Showing posts with label Exposition of Ecclesiastes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exposition of Ecclesiastes. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Ecclesiastes 9 : Thank God that we are in His hands!

Much of life is mysterious. Much of what happens in the world and in our lives leaves us puzzled. The Universe in which we live is mysterious. Man’s capability to understand complex things, and yet not understand them, is mysterious. The causes of every human action are so complex, and so deeply hidden in unconscious motivations that it is impossible to know why anything ever happened. As we concluded the 8th chapter we saw that, “man cannot find out the work that God does under the sun. However much man may toil in seeking, he will not find it out. Even though a wise man claims to know, he cannot find it out” (8:17).

The mysteries of God’s providences occupy much of Solomon’s mind as he pursues the mysterious nature of wisdom. There is an apparent limit to man’s wisdom and understanding. In this chapter Solomon makes further observations concerning our life under the sun. As we now  listen and engage with the Word of God in worship, I want   us to thank God throughout for the  fact that  in  this life we are not in the hand of mystery, but  we are in His hands.

 1.      9:1-2 Solomon observes that the righteous are firmly kept in the good hands of God, but life  in all its forms, happens to one and all.

The opening statement of our chapter sets the tone, and it is one of Solomon’s wonderful discoveries: “But all of this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God  (9:1).

Solomon is about to make some sobering  statements concerning human nature, but before he does that  he makes   this  important observation: “the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God.” Thank God for this! This is very comforting to know.  Whatever happens in this life under the sun, the righteous, believers in God are not in the hand of fate.  They are in the hand of God.

Having said that, Solomon goes on to observe, that this does not mean that believers are thereby separated from the common experiences of all mankind. Again and again as God’s children we need to remind ourselves that we do not yet live in heaven. We live in a fallen world in which sin distorts and Satan destroys. We see in a mirror dimly. We know in part (1 Cor. 13:12).

And so, as believers in God, along with every other person under the sun, we are subjected to the experiences of love and hate (9:1b). The righteous and the wicked, the good and the evil, the clean and the unclean, those that sacrifice to God and those that dont, the good and the sinner - ALL experience the ups and downs of life in a fallen world.

God’s love for his own is not defined by the common things that happen to us. God’s love is shown in His providential care for His people through it all. So thank God that we are in His hands.

 2.      9:3  Solomon observes that all   men  have  essentially an evil heart and madness is in their hearts while they live.

This observation flies in the face of so many who maintain that all people are essentially good. Solomon, in his deep searching does not come to such a conclusion. He knows the heart of man. He understands the theology and consequence of the fall[1]. He knows the irrational madness of men. Charles Bridges asks,  “And what  worse madness is human  nature capable of than  fleeing from God, from His mercy, from heaven, serving the devil,  engaging in the world of vanity  and sin, living under the curse of God and on the brink of damnation? And yet more awful is the thought, that … madness is in their hearts while they live. They persist in this course to the end. Time will soon be a blank and a shadow- eternity is a present reality where the madmen  will be brought to their senses in hopeless conviction. As sure as the Bible is true – this is true. ”After that they go to the dead!” … Alas, not the blessed dead that die in the Lord  (Rev. 14:13). Awful beyond  thought or conception is the immortality of hell.[2] Thank God then, that  when  we have put our faith and trust in Him through Jesus  Christ,  our evil hearts  are  dealt with, and we obtain a righteousness that is not our own.


3.      9:4-6   Following this  Solomon observes that death comes indiscriminately to all  men and  from this perspective the living are  better off than the dead.

These verses must be read in context. Remember that Solomon is deeply aware of man’s evil nature and madness.  Now here is his reasoning: While there is life, while we are joined with the living, there is hope. Solomon had not been given the developed doctrine of heaven and hell which we receive in the New Testament from the lips of the Lord Jesus and His apostles. But this is what he understands: Living is better than facing   the unknown dark future of the dead, and so he quotes this Proverb, “A living dog is better than a dead lion”. A dog was considered the lowest of animals, while the lion the greatest. So, it is better to be a living dog, for a dog has life. A dead lion has nothing.

Thank God that with the more complete revelation in Christ and the NT, we know that the dead in Christ are better off than those that are alive in this sinful world. While we live then, we have opportunity to prepare ourselves for eternity – for heaven.  


4.       9:7-10 How to live in the meantime:  Enjoy the enjoyable providences of life.  

Here is good advice for believers: While evil is real and madness is real, and love and hate are real, because this world is a fallen world, remember that the righteous and truly wise are in the hand of God (9:1). This is our foundational truth and the key to living our lives as believers in this world. So in the light of this, Solomon counsels believers, “Don’t be gloomy; don’t get morbid”! Be joyful (see also 8:15).  Yes, death is a reality, and it is good to keep ultimate realities in mind), but live while you live!   Enjoy what God gives you now.  

(i)                 Enjoy your  food  and  drink (9:7).  The first word in v.7 is ‘go !’   No time to waste in this matter!  Get on with it.

(ii)               Enjoy getting dressed, and enjoy making yourself pretty and  all ‘oiled up’ with lotions, perfumes etc. (9:8)

(iii)             Enjoy your   marriage (9:9

(iv)              Enjoy whatever your hand finds you to do,  and do  it with all your might (9:10) 

Thank God that He commands us to be joyful always[3]. Thank God that in Christ our joy is so much fuller than simply enjoying earthly pleasure. Thank God also that Sheol (9:10) holds no terrors for believers.  The Hebrews thought that Sheol was a pit deep under the earth (Deut. 32:22) where the all men went after death. They thought of it as a “land of forgetfulness” (Ps. 88:12) and darkness (Job 38:17), where men exist as shadowy replicas of their former selves (cf. Isa 14:9,10). Note that  the Bible  teaches the doctrine of the immortality of the soul! You are not dead when you are dead.

It is clear  that in the Bible  there is progressive revelation concerning  the  nature of the afterlife, and Jesus and the NT make it clear that  justified sinners  go to an eternal  heaven and  unreconciled sinners go to  an eternal  hell.

5.      9:11-12 Solomon observes how God's providences so often surprise  us. 

(i)                 9:11a The race is not always to the swift; One would think that the fastest runner should always win the race.  Not so!  Something happens in the race. They fall; someone cuts in before them; they start too late; they tear a hamstring.

(ii)               9:11b Nor the battle to the strong. One would think that the most powerful army should be always victorious. Not so! The Bible illustrates the fact that an army of Philistines can be put to flight by one Jonathan and his armour bearer[4]. Leviticus 26:8  teaches that with God’s help “ five  of you shall chase a hundred and  a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand…”  

(iii)             9:11c One would think that wise men should always be well off. But this is not always so - even bread is not always to the wise;the intelligent and the knowledgeable are not always rich .

(iv)              9:11d  Man is not in charge  of time and  chance.   Everything happens according to the counsel and foreknowledge of God, and according to the time He determines.  At one time, when Peter was strong and assertive, Jesus warned him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” (John 21:18).  

Matthew Henry says, “A sovereign providence breaks men's measures, and blasts their hopes, and teaches them that the way of man is not in himself, but subject to the divine will. We must use means, but we must  not trust them; if we succeed, we must give God the praise ; if we  do not succeed, we must rest  in his will and take our lot…. “ Let us therefore never be secure, but always ready for changes, that, though they may be sudden, they may be no surprise or terror to us.”    Again  we say, Thank  God that  He is in charge and that we are in His hands!

6.      Finally, in 9:13-18 Solomon observes that wisdom makes a man very useful, even though this fact earns him little or no gratitude. But the wisdom of such a man in the nation is to be preferred over a  foolish ruler in a nation of fools.  

Here is an example of a poor man who by his wisdom delivered a city in   a time of war. This city was not saved by the strength of its own army. It had no army; there were only a few men in it, and yet one poor man, of no rank and standing in the city delivered it by his wisdom.[5] Sadly, though he had been instrumental in saving the city from destruction, ultimately no one remembered him; he was not rewarded. He was not honoured.  And yet wisdom, says Solomon,

(i)                 It is better than might (9:16).   God’s wisdom will engage God for us, and if God be for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:28). Also remember  that although this  life isn’t always  fair, remember that God sees and remembers our works.  Christians know that their rewards are in heaven.

(ii)               Wisdom has unusual authority (9:17). The words of wise men heard in quiet are better  than the shouting of a ruler among fools.   What is spoken wisely does not have to be shouted! It is the truth, and if it is the truth then  it is owned by God , and even if no one hears you, God approves of you! 

(iii)             Wisdom is better than weapons  of war, but one  sinner destroys much good (9:18). War is mindless. Men of wisdom negotiate peace and save lives. But here is another reality. One man can do a lot of damage!  One Achan brought trouble on the whole of Israel (Joshua 7). The history of the world is full of such illustrations – particularly in the political realm. 

 So thank God, that through many puzzling circumstances and difficulties we may know today that we are in His hands.  This life under the sun with all its sin and injustices and uncertainties are in the hands of our Great Redeemer, whose wisdom supersedes our own. Trust Him. Trust His Word. Think and meditate   on His Word that you may be able to see, and understand, and live life as fully as you can, while we wait for His delivery from this vain life under the sun.

Biblical perspective delivers us from hopelessness, depression, anxiety and all the psychological ills to which our present age is so prone. In the light of this let us then draw near to Jesus, and rejoice again that His broken body and shed blood entirely secures our future ! Amen.



[1] Genesis  3

[2] Charles Bridges: Ecclesiastes ( Banner of Truth), p. 216

[3] Philippians 4:4

[4] 1 Samuel 14

[5] see also story of the woman at Abel, in  2 Sam 20:16

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ecclesiastes 8 : On The Mystery of Wisdom


The mystery of wisdom!  Just when you think that you have become a little wiser, it escapes you, yet again! And yet, it is undeniable that wisdom can be acquired. There are people who by learning, observation, experience, by keeping company with the wise (Prov. 13:20) have become wiser. In this regard I wish to pay my tribute to Dr. Jay Adams (January 30, 1929 - November 14, 2020), the father of the modern biblical counselling movement. He went home to his eternal reward yesterday. He was a wise man, saturated in the Scriptures, and I thank God for his help and influence at a time in my seminary studies, when I needed it so much.

In the book of Proverbs Solomon encourages his son “to make his ear attentive to wisdom” (Prov.2:2). The pursuit of wisdom was Solomon’s great passion. As a fallen man, he did not possess it perfectly. We observe this in his marital and family relationships. But in other ways he was profoundly wise. Remember that he had asked God in particular for wisdom when he became king (1 Kings 3:12). The subject of wisdom remains a prominent theme in all of Solomon’s writings. As we now survey Ecclesiastes 8 we take note that the subject of wisdom  starts (8:1) and ends (8:17) Solomon’s conversation.

8:1Who is like the wise? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed.“

The wisdom Solomon has in mind is a rare gift (see 7:25–28). He speaks of godly wisdom. It is possessed by God fearing people[1]. God fearing people are those that know the Word of God and they know themselves, and they know what to do in the light of these two truths.  The wise person is not just a person who is intellectually wise. Their wisdom comes out of a spiritual fountain which is from God. They act in line with biblical principles. A wise person possesses the ability to interpret a matter, and its resulting calm assurance produces a shining or radiant face (8:1b). Wisdom softens one’s face.  Wisdom is a reflection of the softened heart and mind that is instructed by God.  It is given to them that ask God (Jas.1:5)

The wise heart is a discerning heart. This heart does not merely know the difference between right and wrong, but it also knows the difference between right and almost right. Such discernment is needed by anyone aspiring to the office of an elder.

A wise person lives in the presence of God and reflects the character of God. One of God’s chief attributes is His love. The love of God is one of the communicable attributes of God. God expects us to love.

David Powlison (1949-2019),  another noted  Biblical Counselor  spoke  about  the blessing of  being in the presence of  ‘God saturated, wise love’[2]: “Wise love  makes a huge difference in other people’s lives… genuine care, a searching question, sympathy and understanding, a timely and true word of God, practical aid, patience in the process- these are life giving.”

Pray that God would be pleased to raise up many such people among us in these needy days! Pray for this gift in yourselves and seek it in and from God in the Scriptures and by prayer.

The last verse of our chapter  in 8:17 however brings us back to earth: [16] When I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done on earth, how neither day nor night do one's eyes see sleep, [17] then I saw all the work of God, that man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun. However much man may toil in seeking, he will not find it out. Even though a wise man claims to know, he cannot find it out.

Here Solomon confesses the frustration of the wise person who says, “I know,” but as soon as they say that, they also know that they cannot possibly understand everything about the work of God. No one, except our Triune God possesses it perfectly, completely and without limit. 

Therefore there will be aspects of theology and of our human experience that will remain mysterious and elusive. There will be times when we look back and see how much we have grown in knowledge and wisdom, but there are also times when we have to confess that we have no wisdom or words. Job’s situation comes to mind. None of those wise and theologically articulate friends of Job possessed sufficient wisdom to understand the true nature of Job’s suffering.  They thought that what happened to him was simply the result of his sin. We learn however that the key to Job’s suffering was with God.

At times the reason for our suffering is plain, particularly when our own stupidity and hardheadedness has been the cause of our suffering (1 Pet. 4:15).  But there are times when it does have a divine origin (1Pet. 4:16).  Pastor- elders need to possess this kind of wisdom when shepherding their flock.

And so Solomon reflects upon various matters that  would require wisdom that can be acquired through knowing God and His will, whilst admitting that at other times  that conventional wisdom will  simply not be enough. Let’s follow Solomon’s thought processes:


1.      8:2-6  Wisdom  In Dealing With Our Political Leaders

(i)                 V.2: Know your place with respect to the political rulers that God has placed above you. Here we learn that submission to authority finds its basis in “the oath of God”. According to the Bible, kings occupy their offices by God’s decree. [That also implies that kings must know that they are accountable to God].  In submitting to our rulers we are in fact obedient to God, who is above every earthly king (Rom. 13:1-7).

(ii)                V.3a: Respect to the king/ president of a country is indicated in 8:3, “Be not hasty to go from his presence.“  We call it, ‘observing protocol’.  He tells you when to go. 

(iii)             V.3b: Citizens must beware of getting involved in an ‘evil cause’.  The king is called by God to deal with evil.[3] That is one of the functions of good government: keeping law and order. A particular form of that will be addressed in 8:11.

If the king promotes evil in any way that would contradict the authority of the Word of God, then God will hand that government over. Handing over means, self- destruction, since all sin is, in essence, self- destructive. Sadly, this always causes hardship for a country’s citizens. That is why we need to take the prayer of 1 Timothy 2:1-2  seriously!   

(iv)              V.4 warns about demanding an explanation for  the king’s decisions. The statement, “who may say to him,‘What are you doing?’” needs some common sense explanation.  When the nation appoints a president, it expects him to rule in the interest of the whole nation. That means that I cannot just step up to him and say, “What are you doing?”, when he does not act quite according to my liking. He has, after all a nation to govern! He cannot listen to everyone’s protests. So, as a citizen I must observe the required protocol. I can certainly appeal through proper channels,  particularly if the president is in danger of making  a wrong moral choice.

(v)               V.5: “Whoever keeps a command will know no evil thing, and the wise heart will know the proper time and the just way.” The mention of a ‘proper time’ introduces further issues involving timing (vv.6–8) in terms of  dealing  with matters  of  sin and evil and all of man’s troubles. “For there is a time and a way for everything(v.6). We have seen this already in 3:1 ff. The rest of v.6 clarifies the thought, “For there is a time and a way for everything, although man’s trouble lies  heavy upon him.  All our problems, all our lack of wisdom ultimately originates from our sinfulness (see Eccl 7:29), and this makes governing a nation (and church) very challenging.  Pray for your governing authorities!

To summarize:  To be a wise citizen means to be obedient to the governing authorities; in so doing we obey God. We need to understand and respect the demands of high office. We must not make the governance of the country difficult by doing evil. We must not be tempted to challenge the king in improper ways.  We must be possessed by the wisdom of proper timing in terms of addressing issues, and we must understand the  wickedness of our own hearts. Pray for wisdom to be a positive citizen of our country!


2.      8:7-9 Wisdom  In  Accepting Our Inability To Control Life’s Circumstances

(i)                 V.7 It is wisdom to accept that we cannot know the future.  Only God has the ability to declare what  the future holds  (see Isa 46:10–11).

(ii)               In v. 8, Solomon offers four examples of an individual’s lack of control over life:

a.       No one can restrain the spirit  [ruach Hebr.], speaking  of inability to prevent death. 

b.       No one can control the day of their death. Only God knows the day or hour. 

c.        No one can discharge himself in time of war. If there is war, you have a moral duty to defend your country from evil. Citizens do not choose war, yet war happens in this fallen world. We cannot control it.  

d.      No wicked person will survive their wickedness.  God will ultimately stop them!

What are we learning here? What is written here to promote our wisdom? Mankind cannot ultimately control or change the decrees of God.  Many people find this very limiting and perplexing, but ultimately it is wisdom to accept God’s sovereignty over all aspects of your life. Pray for the wisdom of humility  and submission  to  your sovereign God!


3.      8:10-17 The Wisdom To Know That Those Who Fear God Will Do Well! 

Again, Solomon reflects upon what he has seen (vv.9, 10All this I observed… then I saw…”)

(i)                 V.10: [4] He observed wicked people being buried. These wicked people were known to have entered the “holy place” (the Temple) where they were praised, even while everybody knew that they were wicked. This unfortunately happens all too often in the church, where the wicked are allowed to  undermine the holiness of the church,  even receiving praise, when  they should have been removed. “This also is vanity“, says Solomon. It  takes  wisdom and courage to deal with such matters, particularly when evil is deeply entrenched in the church.  Pray for the purity of the church! 

(ii)               V.11 Here is an important insight! When the law does not deal with evil swiftly and decisively, the law loses its power.[5]  We are familiar with this in Namibia. Delayed justice is justice denied.  It is a terrible evil, and it will require wisdom and courage to address this problem.  Pray that our judicial system understands this! 

(iii)             V.12 Solomon observes that an evil person might commit evil a 100 times and still live a long time. And in the light of v. 11, it may appear that Solomon attributes to God the same delay in justice that is so evident in human courts of law. But remember that God’s delayed justice is not because of His forgetfulness or inefficiency or inability to control evildoers. It is because of his patience and mercy with mankind!  And so Solomon confidently declares, “still I know that it will be well for those who fear God, who fear Him openly.” This truth he holds to by faith. Pray that you may have the wisdom to know that evil cannot ultimately triumph! 

(iv)             V.13 The truth is that while a sinner “may prolong his life” (v.12),  v.13  categorically affirms  that the wicked “will not lengthen his days”, particularly when we  think of life in the light of eternity.  Many sexual perverts and child molesters may live to a ripe old age, but be sure that their sins will find them out before the throne of God.   Pray for wisdom to know  that justice will certainly be done  when Jesus returns!  


4.      8: 14-17 No Person  Can Ultimately Know God’s Ways 

Here is the climax of wisdom’s mystery.

(i)                 It is expressed in v.14.  Wicked people prosper and live healthily, and righteous people seem burdened and suffer.  It all seems so unfair!  This does not make sense. What wisdom does Solomon have in response to this enigma? 

(ii)               V.15 reveals the answer. Enjoy your God given pleasures while you can!  This is the third time that Solomon gives this advice (see 2:24–26; 5:18–20).  His point is that we should not waste our God-given joys by constantly worrying whether life is fair or not!  Worrying about what’s fair or not brings us no joy, no peace, no rest, and no solution.  No one can understand the ultimate reasons for what happens, because even the wisest person is but a fool by comparison to God. It is important to understand that God’s wise providence rules all that happens “under the sun”. Pray that you may have the wisdom to see this!

And so, Solomon reviews his pursuit of wisdom in vv. 16–17. In his search for wisdom he could eliminate sleep and still not succeed (v.16). The fact remains that we are incapable of discovering all of God’s work “under the sun.”  There comes a time when we will have to say, “This is wisdom’s mystery!   Paul’s conclusion, after he has written to the Romans concerning the electing grace and mercy of God, finishes his thoughts with these words in Romans 11:33–36.How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!”

Chapter 8’s conclusion reverberates in the words of 1 Corinthians 1:20–25.

Human wisdom (influenced so strongly by our sinful nature) and unaided by God cannot help us.  We need God’s wisdom for life! God displays His wisdom in the person of the person and work of Jesus Christ. 

Solomon’s words prepare our hearts for the necessity of the Gospel. No one possesses more wisdom than those that have met Jesus and walk with Jesus. They know the way home. 

And that is the only wisdom that ultimately matters.

[1] The Fear of God in Ecclesiastes: 3:1; 5:7; 8:12,13; 12:13

[2] Quoted in “The  Biblical  Counselling Movement after Adams” by  Heath Lambert, p.16

[3] cf. Prov.  14:35; 24:21–22).

[4] Some commentators  consider verse 10 the most difficult verse in  Ecclesiastes

[5] See also Habakkuk  1:4



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