Friday, July 15, 2016

1 Timothy 2: 1- 7 : “Public Worship and Public Prayer”

Paul had left Timothy  in Ephesus  to sort out  matters threatening the existence of the  church  (1:3-11).  Being  a young pastor in challenging circumstances is not for the fainthearted.   Young pastors (Timothy) need older pastors (Paul)   who can  guide them  by experience  and by  godly wisdom, older men who  can  say to younger men in  their distress,  “…well,  I have  seen this  kind of problem before, and it’s not going to destroy the church,  because I know that the  mercy, grace and peace (1:2)  of the Lord Jesus Christ  will keep the church”. And so we find Paul writing this letter  to help his younger colleague  with respect to   shepherding  the church  through  its   various challenges.

As we progress through  this letter, we find  today Paul’s counsel to Timothy concerning    the importance of  public prayer in worship.  Today,  we are reminded from the Scriptures that  prayer, and especially public prayer  is no side issue  in the church. It ought to be  a core activity in the life of the Christian church. Whatever we fail to    do as a  church, we cannot fail  in  being faithful in prayer, and particularly in public prayer. 

Vv.1-2  Paul says: “FIRST OF ALL then (or therefore), I urge that supplications (requests), prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and a quiet life , godly and dignified in every way.”  

(i) “First of all…” here means, as a matter of first priority, indicating that  prayer is no  arbitrary matter.

(ii) The little word  “then” (or ‘therefore’) connects  Paul’s  thoughts with  the preceding context in 1:18–20 and gives us a reason why  prayer  is significant.  There  Paul  exhorted  Timothy to "wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience"[1].  He reminds Timothy that by  rejecting faith and a good conscience, one  may  run the risk  of making  shipwreck of  one’s faith. This had been  the sad  case  of men  like   Hymenaeus and Alexander[2] (1:20)[3].  We had seen  earlier  that the church at Ephesus  was  being undermined  by people who were teaching  a different doctrine  (1:3), and  Paul  exhorted Timothy that  he needed  to bring the church back to the  true gospel. 

Clearly, the church  is at war, and very often the war comes right into the church, bringing with it inevitable casualties (see 1:6,20). Pastors themselves  are always at risk  in such  situations, for  they too can  become casualties if they do not hold tightly on to the gospel of  the Lord Jesus with faith and a good conscience.  The  church needs faithful  and  conscientious  soldiers  who are not ashamed of the gospel of  Jesus. The church  was empowered by the Lord Jesus after His ascension and at Pentecost   to   spearhead  the advance of the gospel in a fallen world.  She is  the  agent  by which  the gates of hell are pushed back,  and therefore she is   Satan’s sworn enemy.   It is against this background  that  Paul reminds  Timothy   concerning the importance of  prayer. Paul’s actual letter to the Ephesians   in  6: 18-20 reveals that prayer is a significant tool  in this spiritual war.  The church  gains ground in the world when she prays. Conversely, she loses ground when she doesn’t  pray!

(iii) I urge[4]  (Gr. parakaleō ; to exhort , beseech)…  indicating again  that  this is a priority.  Paul urges  Timothy that   he  must lead the church  in prayer  for  all kinds of  people. Think about  that for a few moments. This  congregation of Jewish and Gentile Christians  is found  in an hostile environment.  Nero is the emperor, and  the  Roman authorities who  crucified Jesus  are not friendly to Christians. In addition,  the  Jewish community  in Rome  is  antagonistic to  Christians.   Paul is saying to these Christians,  “put your requests, or supplications forward to God for all kinds of people;  pray for  all kinds of people; intercede for all kinds of people, and where applicable  give thanks  for  all kinds of  people,  even  for the government under which you  live.”  This is a remarkable  exhortation,  given  the fact that Christians  lived under precarious circumstances  in the Roman world.

(iv) “… that we may lead a peaceful and a quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” One of the goals of prayer  is  seen here :  By prayer we ask God  to enter into the hearts and minds  of all kinds of people in our society, especially  kings and all those who are in high positions,  who potentially have so much power  to disrupt our lives  by causing us not to live  in peace and in quiet and with dignity. Part of our  public prayer is therefore to pray for our country, our politicians and our churches so that  we may life in peace and quiet and with dignity. This is the essential foundation for the spread of the gospel. Christians desire an ordered society for the sake of all its citizens, but especially because then we can fulfill our God-given responsibilities without hindrance.

Therefore we  read next…

Vv. 3-4  This (prayer)  is  good and pleasing  in the sight of God our Saviour , who desires  all people to be saved  and to come to the knowledge of the truth.  Here are some further goals of prayer. Paul says  that  such prayer  which  seeks the face of God, is good. God is pleased  to hear such prayer,  and so we as a church need to hear this , understand this,  and do this, because  (this is another goal in prayer)  this sort of prayer   underlies  effective  biblical evangelism of our  community.    Therefore in prayer (and especially public prayer)  we make requests of God; we pray; we  intercede;  we give thanks  where it is appropriate  and   remember  that  the goal of our  public prayer is the salvation  of all kinds of people.  Here Paul encourages  Timothy  to lead the church in prayer  that  all kinds of people  would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.   In this prayer there is a promise  for us. If God expects us to pray, and if  such prayer is good and  pleasing to God  then we can  confidently say  that  prayer is a public means of grace.  That means that we can expect that God will  answer such prayers  because they are good and pleasing to Him. They are in accordance with God’s goals that the whole world  would hear His Word.   And  so, Paul  was saying to Timothy, “Make sure  that  among the other elements  of worship on the Lord’s day, you lead  the Ephesian church in prayer for all kinds of people, including kings and all in authority. 

In this regard , the wise words of Bishop John Charles Ryle come to mind:
“It is easy to criticise and find fault with the conduct of kings, and write furious articles against them in newspapers, or make violent speeches about them on platforms. Any fool can rip and rend a costly garment, but not every man can cut out and make one. To expect perfection in kings, prime ministers, or rulers of any kind, is senseless and unreasonable. We should exhibit more wisdom if we prayed for them more, and criticised less” [5].

And now take notice  concerning the extent of this prayer :“pray for all people…”  (2:1)… God, our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”(2:4). All people! What are we to understand here? Are we to  literally expect  all people on earth to be saved as a result of our prayer?   As desirable as we may find this thought, it is not  likely that  this was what Paul had in mind  when he wrote this.  What Paul had in mind  was based  on  an Old Testament hope, namely  that  one day “the earth would be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea”[6], namely  that all the nations  would be united  in the worship of the One  True God.  It is thus not so much every person that is in mind here (although we should always work and pray as if everyone  could be saved), but the big  thought here is that  all kinds of people and from all kinds of nations  are envisaged here. Is this not what we are seeing today? Haven’t the nations everywhere become aware of the  Lord Jesus? Is this not what we are publicly praying for every Sunday night as we systematically pray for the countries of our world?

Vv.5 &6 “For there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony  given at the proper time.“ The reason  why we are praying for the whole world  is because of these  words. There is not  one God for the Muslim world and many gods for  the Hindu world. NO! Why should we pray for all people? Because there is only  one  true God. There is only one  true Saviour. He  alone is the one hope of all humanity, and  if   He is  the only  hope, then it follows  that if we don't pray for the world, what hope does the world have?  And if this is God’s  desire for the world  then this must move us  as Christians to pray for all kinds of people.

V.7For  this I was appointed as a preacher and an apostle ( I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the gentiles in faith and truth .”   Paul includes himself in the mission of God.  He  tells us  here  that God's  desire for the world  is what propelled  him into the ministry. The proof of the power of Paul's ministry to the Gentiles is  we  who are  gathered here in this auditorium today! You and I would not be  here today if God not appointed Paul to take this message not just to the Jew, but also to the Gentiles.

Paul is  outlining  the basis of  world missions through the church. The  primary means by which God  does this  is by    prayer, praying first,  that  the people of a nation, including their rulers would be favourably disposed, if not converted to the gospel. This makes  gospel preaching easier. It is not easy or possible  to preach the gospel in the war torn Middle East.

It is surely  God’s desire that the nations should receive the gospel. There is no other Saviour, no other Name given  by which man can be saved. This is why we are here this morning  to   make sure that God’s Word is  widely spread  in our city, country, continent  and world by prayer and the Word. This is the old  and proven apostolic method (Acts 6:4). 

Thank God,  that Paul and Timothy bore this conviction, and because of their faithfulness  in preaching the gospel to the gentiles we are here this morning to also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. 

Jesus  died for all those that would  be brokenhearted over their sin, and who would look to Him for the answer to that sin, and  who  come to Him. 

[1] See also 1:5
[2] Alexander is also mentioned in 2  Tim 4:14
[3] throughout this epistle,  Paul talks about those  who  have  wandered away  from the faith see also 1:6 ;  6:10,21
[4] Gr. parakaleo – to exhort  see also   1:3
[5] J.C. Ryle  :  The Upper Room ,  Chapter 21  “For Kings”, p.264
[6]  Num,.  14:21; Ps 57:5,11; 72:19 ; Isa 11:9 ; Hab. 2:14

Monday, June 13, 2016

1 Timothy 1:18-20 “Fight the Good Fight ”

Timothy, a young pastor in Ephesus needed advice  from his  father and mentor in the faith, the  apostle Paul. And so this letter  from Paul arrives. Paul was  an apostle of Christ Jesus  and as such he was uniquely endowed  and spiritually gifted  to reflect the mind of Christ at a time  when there was as yet  only an emerging  written record of  the things that Christ  had  said and done. The apostles were a  unique  group of people, called by Jesus to accurately  reflect His mind and teaching after His  ascension to heaven, and therefore as such  they  were a unique and enduring gift to the church of all the ages.  And so,  today,  we benefit  from this  apostolic gift as we make constant reference to the apostles  (canonical) writings and doctrine concerning that which Jesus   said and did.

We have previously  seen  Paul addressing  Timothy  on a matter that has sadly remained  an  all too common   problem. It is  the  existence  of false teachers in the churches. Through their heretical and unorthodox  teachings  they produced  unhealthy  speculation and therefore controversy and division in the church (1:3- 11).  And so, in the midst of his positive proclamation of the gospel of Jesus,  Paul has to come  back to this matter repeatedly[1], as the  gospel of Jesus is  constantly undermined, perverted and twisted by these people. Josh Hooker  recently  took us through the book of Jude   and revealed  to us a  similar pattern there. The matter of false teachers and  their  twisting  of the gospel has been  an Achilles heel  for the church  ever since her  earliest  years and true  gospel preachers had to constantly fight for the truth. For instance, one of the great  battles for Christian orthodoxy  in the early church  was against  the very influential  teaching of an  elder in the Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt, a man called  Arius (c. AD 250–336).  He taught  that Christ, the Son of God did not always exist,  but that He was created by God the Father   at a point in time,  and that   He  is distinct from the Father. The modern version of ancient Arianism is found  in the teachings of the Jehovah’s witnesses.  The  New Testament  makes  it very clear  that that God the Father and  Jesus the Son  are of the same substance[2], and  each  is God of very God. Therefore  Paul can speak  of  God  the Father as  “God our Saviour” in 1:1, 2:3 and  apply  the same title to Christ  in  1:15.  In John 4:42   Jesus is confessed to be the Saviour of the world. He is equal to God. 

And so, the next thing that Paul does  is in his letter to Timothy  is  remind  us that  he  himself  had been a gospel  hater (though admittedly in ignorance) and he establishes  the fact of the amazing grace shown  to him  by this God, this  Saviour, and he  displays his amazement  at the fact  that  he as a  foremost sinner  and a former  blasphemer, that he   should have been  saved  by God and, more than that, that  he should be appointed  to His service by way of an apostolic calling. He ends that thought with  a doxology… an outburst of praise in v. 17.

And now in v.18 he turns his attention  back to Timothy, who has this difficult  calling  in Ephesus by way of  these people  who are undermining the apostolic gospel in the church. With  the authority that he has received from the Lord Jesus, Paul reminds  pastor Timothy of  a  primary fact in Christian living, namely  that he is in a war  zone.  It is  an unavoidable and inevitable reality of our existence as Christian  people in this world, and we tend to forget that so very easily.  The entire Christian life  is a fight and each  day  we must  be reminded  of this.  John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”  reminds us  that there  is never a time on  the road when Christian did not have to  have to face  one battle or another. We need to be reminded  that we are  not  in  basic army  training or  on manoeuvres  practising warfare. We are at  war with a real  enemy. Satan[3]  is called  a roaring lion (1 Pet. 5:8)  and  Christ and Christians are his hated opposition. We are at war  on many fronts . We are fighting against the enemy within  as we battle against remaining indwelling sin. We are fighting on many fronts -  for our  children  and families and for  the survival of  our society,  so bullied by  evil  and  perverseness. We are fighting  for  our country and our world  driving back the darkness as we  proclaim the gospel  of Jesus Christ.   In his letter to the Ephesian  church (6:10-18) he expounds on the nature and the protection and the  weapons  of our warfare. He  reminds us  that we need to put on our full armour: the belt of truth; the  breastplate of Christ’s imputed righteousness to us;  gospel shoes to  maintain a steady footing; the shield of faith by which we can  deflect the fiery arrows of Satan; the helmet of salvation, protecting our minds from  attacks; the sword of the Spirit,  which is the Word of God – the only offensive weapon in the armoury.  In this regard also Paul reminds the church that  we  ought to be  praying at all times, keeping alert  at all time as and always praying for our Christian brothers and sisters.   We must never  underestimate  the energy and cunning of the enemy. Do we see the Christian life in these terms?

The apostle Paul uses an interesting adjective to describe this fight.  It is  a good warfare/fight.”  (cf. also  1 Tim 6:12). Why good? Think about it.   We have and excellent  leader. Our commander  is Christ; we have excellent prospects to win this war;  we have the best armour; we have abundant supplies and  we have the best support: ”The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.” (Psalm 34:7)  This a battle which  those that  are  the Lord’s  cannot lose.  So Paul reminds  Timothy of these  things and  in addition to this primary  fact  he  gives him four additional  reminders:  

1.        Timothy,  remember  your commission  from God  v.18

"This charge  I entrust to you ,Timothy, my  child, in accordance with  the prophecies previously  made about you.”   As Timothy faces this intimidating situation at Ephesus, he needs to be reminded  that  behind him there  is  a formidable  charge   and a formidable authority (see also 4:14) which came about  by a prophetic laying on of hands. We are not quite  certain how these prophecies  were made  about  Timothy, but  the whole  event  sounds just like an ordination  service[4]. A body of  the elders  of the church  with  the help of the Spirit  confirmed  that they saw  a  spiritual gift (pastoring , preaching) in  Timothy.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) was subject to a most remarkable and striking prophecy.[5]    He was still a child when his grandfather brought to the church a former missionary by the name of Richard Knill for special meetings. Knill had spent many years in India and in Russia and was at that time serving in England. He was impressed by young Charles, quickly recognizing his unusual mental ability and his rare clarity of speech.  Charles read the Scriptures every day, and reporting of this experience, Knill said: ”I have old ministers and young ones read well, but never did I hear a little by read so correctly before.”  When it was time to leave the family stood around and Richard Knill took young Charles on his knee and made the pronouncement: “This child will one day preach the gospel, and will preach it to great multitudes, and I am persuaded he will preach in the chapel of Rowland Hill”. Rowland Hill’s chapel (Surrey Chapel) was one of the largest in England at that time, and in later years Spurgeon  did preach there.
Spurgeon himself testifies:  “He spoke very solemnly, and called upon all to witness what he said. Then he gave me six pence as a reward if I would learn the hymn: ‘God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.” I was made to promise, that when I preached in Rowland Hill’s chapel, that hymn should be sung. … Would it ever be an idle dream? Years flew by. After I had begun for some little time to preach in London, Dr Alexander Fletcher was engaged to deliver the annual sermon to the children in Surrey Chapel, but as he was taken ill, I was asked in a hurry to preach to the children in his stead. ‘Yes’, I replied, ‘I will’, if you will allow the children to sing ‘God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.’ I have made a promise long ago that that hymn should be sung when I preached there. And so it was. I preached in Rowland Hill’s chapel, and the hymn was sung. My emotions on that occasion I cannot describe, for the word of the Lord’s servant was fulfilled.”

If Timothy  was  like most pastors I know, then he would have  struggled at times with  a sense of weakness and inadequacy, particularly as he surveyed  the challenging  situation at Ephesus.  The temptation is always to shrink back in the face of adversity, and     therefore at such a time it is necessary  to know the solid  foundation of  one’s calling and commission. I can certainly testify to this.  It helps to persevere in difficult  ministry situations  when you have  such great assurances behind you.

2. Timothy,  hold  on to Faith. v. 19

Faith in the Bible is both, a gift of God and a duty of the believer. Here Paul speaks  not of the gift, but of the human  faith response.   Paul is talking about Timothy’s personal act of believing in the Lord. Paul is concerned that Timothy’s faith might cease to control his life.  We know from  2 Tim. 1:5ff  that he had a sincere faith, but that he was also  subject  to a timid personality.  We  all have  times where  we feel  our faith to be weak, and this is where we need the help and encouragement of other  believers, but  in the end we must not  live on the faith of others  but  exercise our own faith in God , and especially so when we are faced with challenges. I have often reminded you  that when the storm comes , God’s children run home and not away  from Him. Where are you  today?  I have known too many people  who at one time professed  faith in God, but then they got involved in their careers, and began to prosper, but at a great  cost to their  faith in God. They wanted to maintain a high standard of living, and they became so  busy  that Sunday was their only free day. So they started  skipping on  the discipline of regular worship, and their daily devotions, and gradually they let go of their  faith, and today they are nowhere. The world is full of people who have fallen in the fight of faith because they didn’t hold on. Do not think that this  cannot happen to you when it has happened to people  that  were apparently more advanced in the faith than you. Are  you  keeping the faith? “Hold on to faith,”  says  Paul. There is no hope of winning the battle without that. In a  moment  we shall see what  happens to people who forsake the faith.

3.       Timothy, hold on  to a Good Conscience. v.19

The conscience  instructed by God’s Word and  applied by the Holy Spirit is  God’s preacher  to our  hearts. The conscience  reminds us of what is right and what is wrong. It can be suppressed (Rom. 1:18ff)   Are we being obedient to God’s Word or  are we deliberately and willfully disobeying God’s requirements, suppressing our  consciences? Paul is urging Timothy to be conscientious at all times, and particularly at this time in Ephesus  when he needs to stand his ground against formidable  spiritual opposition. A great  temptation  for any pastor -preacher is to compromise  the  Word of God and the voice of God under pressure,by  suppressing their consciences concerning the truth  as it is in Jesus. Wanting to be known as the nice guy, the approachable  pastor, they  are tempted to change the    gospel message   to endear themselves to the carnal  soul.  Paul says, “Timothy, no matter what people say in the church, no matter the power of the enemy, hold on to a good conscience!” We cannot afford to neglect the voice of conscience.

4.  Timothy, remember  those that have made a shipwreck of their  faith  :  vv.19 and  20
“Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.”  We don’t need  a complicated psychological explanation as to the reason for the fall of these men. They didn’t do the basics. They did not  cling to Christ and  they did  not keep a good conscience. The result was a spiritual shipwreck. They have ignored spiritual basics. You cannot only do that  at  the risk  of making shipwreck, like the many  ships stranded  on the skeleton coast  whose captains  had ignored navigational principles.

God has given us a word and we are to hold on to it with faith and a good conscience. Without it we will make shipwrecks of our lives. We do not know what exactly brought about the fall of Hymenaeus and Alexander, but we do  know that somewhere along the line  they  had  let go of  their faith and   conscience.  Thus  Paul writes, “I have handed them over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme” (v.20). Hymenaeus and Alexander  had  discredited   the faith in  Christ a very fundamental way, and so they needed to be   handed over (see also I Cor.5:3-5). They needed  to be disciplined.  They were handed over to Satan. They were told to leave the safety and  embrace of  church of Jesus which they had despised. To suspend anyone from Christian fellowship is the last resort in church discipline. It is not finally closing the door on them. As soon as they give up their rebellious  ways  and repent  they may return to the church and  be received  in the same way in which the father  received his prodigal son.  But they  cannot be in fellowship  if faith is denied either in  word or deed  and when the conscience is suppressed.  

What have we learned  from this text?

1     .     Christian life means   being  continuously at war   with Satan.
2     .       In times of spiritual challenge remember your  calling, your  testimony of salvation, your 
          baptismal  vows.
3    .       Hold on  to faith in Jesus.
4    .       Hold on to your  conscience  instructed by the Word of God.
5     .       Let those who have made shipwreck of their faith  be a warning to you.

[1] 1 Tim. 6:3ff ; 20 ;  2 Tim. 2:16-18; 3:1-9; 13 ; 4:1ff
[2] Gr.  homousios
[3]  Otherwise also know as  the devil (Grk :  ‘diabolos’ . This term is used only  in  the  N.T. – Matt. 4:1 ; 13: 39; 25 :41 ; Rev. 12:9; 20:2) ;                 The serpent ( Gen.  3:1,14  ; 2 Cor. 11:3 ; Rev. 12:9 ; 20:2);Beelzebub (Matt. 10:25; 12:24,27 ; Lk. 11:15); Ruler of this world  (Jn. 12:31 ; 14:30 ; 16:11) ; Prince /ruler of the kingdom  of the air (Eph. 2:2) ;  The evil one ( Matt. 13:19;  1 Jn 2 :13)
[4] John Stott :The Message of Timothy & Titus , p. 56 
[5] Arnold  Dallimore’s  biography on Spurgeon , p.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

1 Timothy 1:12-17 “The Gospel is Able to Save the Worst”

Timothy, a young pastor in Ephesus needs advice  from his mentor, the  apostle Paul. And so this letter  from Paul arrives,  filled with  God –inspired, apostolic wisdom. Paul was  an apostle of Christ Jesus  and as such he was uniquely endowed  and spiritually gifted  and  uniquely able to reflect the mind of Christ at a time  when there was as yet no written record of  the things that Christ  had  said and done. The apostles were called by Jesus  as  a  unique group of people, and a gift to the church of all the ages, to  be witnesses to  what Jesus  said and did, and to write this down  for future generations. And so,  today  we benefit much  from this  apostolic gift as we make constant reference to the apostles writings and doctrine.

The  first thing which Paul addresses   for Timothy’s benefit,  and for the church in all the ages , is the all too common  matter of  the problem  of false teachers and their different doctrines, by which they produced  speculation and therefore controversy and division. The matter of false teaching  is raised in almost all  the NT  writings,  just as we find  the proliferation of  false prophets of the OT. Satan  is committed to keeping  this world  in darkness, and this is one of the chief ways in which he works. And so too , in the ongoing  history  of the church we learn of many  false teachers and  heresies which had to be dealt with in the course of time, and they continue proliferate in our day.  Just this past week we had an influential American  preacher  here in Windhoek. He  was  invited by an influential company to   speak to  business  leaders of our city.  Tim Challies, a prominent  American blogger and an astute  commentator on spiritual and  social issues  provides us with the following information   concerning this man:  
He  is associated with several troublesome teachings including the prosperity gospel and positive thinking…. (he) has long been associated with Oneness Pentecostalism which holds to an unorthodox position on the Trinity. This position is known as Modalism or, historically, as Sabellianism.[1]  Modalism holds that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit do not refer to distinct persons in the godhead, but to different modes of existence of a single person. It teaches that in ages past God manifested himself as the Father, during the incarnation of Christ he manifested himself as the Son, and subsequently he manifested himself as the Holy Spirit. As one of its key tenets it states that God cannot exist in more than one mode at a time.  Hence the belief statement at the Potter’s House says, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” The important word here is manifestations. Where historic Christianity affirms persons, modalism demands use of manifestations or modes.”[2]

To crown it, this  influential Christian leader  has recently  stated  that he comes out for ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘LGBT Churches’. He said that his position on this matter is evolving. [3]  We wonder how  he  would get past  the apostle Paul’s very  clear statement in  v. 10 of our text? Paul certainly was not evolving. He stood where the Bible had always stood in this matter.
But let us move on from there and follow the apostle Paul  as  he  presents us with the standard for all  his  writings and preaching, which  as he says,  is   sound doctrine  in accordance  with  the gospel of the glory of the  blessed God with which I have been entrusted ” (vv.10,11). It is this gospel that  Paul now applies  in vv. 12-17 to his own  experience, before he give Timothy  a solemn charge  to hold on to this gospel  in vv. 18-20, urging him  not  be swayed by the  different doctrine of the false teachers. 

Paul’s personal  experience  of the Gospel  (vv. 12-17)

Today we shall  we surprised  once more  by the fact that God chooses   even His enemies to serve Him.  In v. 12  Paul writes :  “I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service…”. Paul’s experience of the gospel  begins with  an encounter  of the living Lord Jesus Christ. He says that it is Christ  who  has given him  strength to believe and  to be  the apostle that he is.   His testimony in Acts 9 confirms this. Paul was not self - appointed. He was  sovereignly called and commissioned and empowered by Jesus himself.  Then Paul says …. he judged me faithful… This does not mean that  Paul was faithful in himself  and that therefore Christ had trusted him.  No,  it is  because  Christ had first  given him strength, that Paul had also received the ability to be  faithful, and in particular with respect to this service[4] as an apostle.  

v. 13  “…though formerly  I was a  blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. But I  received  mercy because I had acted in ignorance and unbelief.”  Paul is astonished  that  God  had singled him out and that he had chosen him for this service, particularly when he considers his own background.   In  Acts 26: 9-11  he confesses:
"I myself was convinced that I ought to do many things in opposing the name of Jesus of Nazareth. And I did so in Jerusalem. I not only locked up many of the saints in prison after receiving authority from the chief priests, but when they were put to death I cast my vote against them. And I punished them often in all the synagogues and tried to make them blaspheme, and in raging fury against them I persecuted them even to foreign cities.”
Paul confesses,    “I was once an insolent (violent) man”. The word means to be  arrogantly sadistic. It means inflicting pain for the sheer pleasure of it.  Now you can perhaps appreciate why he calls himself  the foremost of sinners.
Paul had  not  only  actively opposed and blasphemed  the Name of  Jesus (Acts 9:4),  but he also tried to force the Christians who he was persecuting,  to blaspheme (Acts 26:11). This is often the case  with those  who have  tortured Christians  over the ages. They always try  to make them deny and blaspheme the  Lord Jesus.  

The story of Polycarp (69 –155 AD), pastor of Smyrna  comes to mind.  
The Roman Proconsul asked him whether he was Polycarp. On hearing that he was, he tried to persuade him to apostatize, saying, “Have respect for your old age, swear by the fortune of Caesar. Repent, and say, ‘Down with the Atheists!’” Polycarp looked grimly at the wicked heathen multitude in the stadium, and gesturing towards them, he said, “Down with the Atheists!” “Swear,” urged the Proconsul, “reproach Christ, and I will set you free.” “86 years have I have served him,” Polycarp declared, “and he has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King and my Savior?” “I have wild animals here,” the Proconsul said. “I will throw you to them if you do not repent.” “Call them,” Polycarp replied. “It is unthinkable for me to repent from what is good to turn to what is evil. I will be glad though to be changed from evil to righteousness.” “If you despise the animals, I will have you burned.” “You threaten me with fire which burns for an hour, and is then extinguished, but you know nothing of the fire of the coming judgment and eternal punishment, reserved for the ungodly. Why are you waiting? Bring on whatever you want.” [5]

And then he says, “I had acted in ignorance and unbelief.” He is not excusing himself. Ignorance  is never an excuse  in the eyes of the law. But the fact is that in his blind zeal,  he did not know that he was actually persecuting the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Christians (cf. Acts 9:4). A question arises.   How then was Paul’s  sin  different from  Judas, who betrayed the  Lord?   Why did Paul receive mercy and Judas not?  The answer is that Paul did not know Jesus. Judas did know Jesus, and  he saw Christ’s glory and despite all  his knowledge of Christ  he chose to sin against him. That is  essentially the sin against the Holy Spirit.

But  Paul received mercy. Oh,  how Paul glories in that fact, so much so that he repeats this in  v.16 But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life.  And here is the magnificent truth for us:  If someone like Paul could be saved then  who are we to say  that  some  people are beyond salvation? According to the Bible, people in the most endangered category are those  who have  once walked with Jesus, who have  experienced  Christian fellowship  and  who have tasted of heavenly realities  (see Hebrews 6:4-6)  and then fall away. But Jesus  showed much  patience to Paul who acted in ignorance.  

And so we see that Paul is  utterly amazed  at this great  mercy, and he is quite overcome by it all, so that he adds, …” and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.  Grace  was  flowing  from God into Paul’s soul  like a waterfall… as the hymn says, “flowing like a mighty ocean in its fullness over me.”[6] It is the fee and lavish grace of our Lord. It is abundant grace, and to those who have understood the forgiveness of God, it is quite overwhelming. 
The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life. To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

What shall we say in conclusion ?
These are  grand words, and they portray the unique beauty of the Christian message.

These are true words. “Here is a trustworthy saying.”  Against the background of those that  teach false doctrines, myths and endless genealogies (vv. 3&4) and others that  have wandered away and turned to meaningless talk (v.6), these words  are utterly different words. They are totally trustworthy. They have the truth of God Himself behind them. The Lord Jesus who said, I am the  way, the truth and the life” (Jn. 14:6) also said, “Your word is truth” (Jn. 17:17). The Bible is trustworthy.

These are words for the whole world to believe! Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners! (v.15). In I Tim. 2:4  Paul says, “God our Saviour…desires  all (kinds of) people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”.
This is a sobering thought.  Without the word of God the whole world has no knowledge of true truth. Historic Christianity, biblical Christianity, believes that Christianity is not just doctrinal truth, but flaming truth—true to what is there, true to the great final environment, the infinite-personal God." [7] Without the Word of God  the world is directionless and  lost. We see this happening wherever Christian capital  which has been gained by society is lost. As the world arrogantly unties itself from the influence of the Word of God, to that degree the world sinks into  stupidity, cruelty, selfishness. Without  the Word of God the world becomes unintelligent. It is not that mankind without the Word of God  cannot  advance in technology, but  the lack of spiritual and therefore moral intelligence destroys whatever man designs.  Wherever people cast of the restraint of the word, language becomes vulgar, manners become rude  and   sensual appetites run wild and  values become blurred.   Without the Bible the world would have perished long ago. It is the Word of God that sustains the world and keeps it going.  So let us remember then that the  word of God,  the gospel,  is not good advice,  or a choice to be made. It is essential! Without  this  Word taken serious and embraced,   the world , and you, will perish!

These words are particularly   helpful to those who are not yet Christians. Let me say it  as simply as I can. We all deserve eternal death because we are sinners who have torn ourselves loose  from the Word of God.  That is the bad news  for the whole world. But God who is rich in mercy sent us His Son from heaven.  God the Son came and died for us, that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.  That is the  good news for the whole world. Have you understood that? Have you received Christ?   If there is one lost soul here today who has not heard and embraced this good news, then I  beg  that you should  hear this with  faith : Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners!  

These words  are personal! “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am  the foremost.  This may sound like an exaggeration to you. Surely there must have been  worse people than Paul, but the point is that  for    Paul  it  felt as if  his sinfulness  was  the worst. And so it ought to be for you. When God shows  you the state of your own heart, then  bow your head and  cry out: “God be merciful to me the sinner.”

And please note this  too:  Paul had not modified his convictions over the years. He does not say that when he was converted he was the chief of sinners. “I am  ( present tense)  the worst of sinners ,” he says.
Those who know Christ as Saviour will know that they are sinners.  “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted” (Matt. 5:3&4). That is the gateway to the Christian life. There is no blessedness without poverty of spirit and grief for sin. 

These words come to you from one  who has perfect patience  towards you : “ …that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life.  O what patience  the Lord Jesus displayed towards Paul,  that  angry crusader against Christianity  and  the sworn  enemy of Christ.  Oh the meekness and gentleness of Christ! After they had nailed him to a cross,  He prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Thank God for His divine patience.  Paul's testimony  is  a great example of the  great patience of  Christ for every other believer. What an encouragement! 

The proper response to this word is Doxology ( Praise ) (v.17) To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
That is Paul’s song of praise. Paul bursts into worship because it is fitting to do so. Just as  sports fans spontaneously burst into applause  when  a sportsman demonstrates great skill,  so all of us give praise to God for all that He is and everything that He has done. It is right and proper and appropriate. And it makes us happy.  In praising God  there is  happiness.  A man without praise is a miserable man. Paul  was a miserable  man until he met Jesus, and so he was able to say:
“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst.”

Is there not somebody today  who has had enough of sin which makes you miserable? Is it not time you ended your miserable existence and began to truly live? Turn to the Lord  Jesus now! 

[4] Gr. diakonia
[6] Quoted from the  hymn  : “O the deep , deep love of Jesus” by  Samuel Francis ( 1875) 
[7] Francis Schaeffer: 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

1 Timothy 1:3-11 “Dealing with False Teaching”

After the  short but powerful presentation of his credentials  and his  greeting  to Timothy (1:1-2), Paul   gets straight to the point. There are evidently serious problems  in the church at Ephesus, a church  that  was established  on his second missionary journey  (AD 49-52)[1] by missionary labours  of Apollos in  Acts 18:24-28 and  by Paul  in Acts  19.   It was on this journey, according to Acts 16: 1-5,  that Paul met  Timothy (then probably only a boy)  and his family.  Much water was going to flow under the bridge  until about 10  or more years later  when  he would write his first letter to Timothy, who  at this time had been ordained [2]. At this time  Timothy had been serving the church in Ephesus,  as  we read in v. 3:  “As I urged you when I was going to  Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach  any different doctrine …”.  Paul had  left Timothy  in Ephesus  whilst he travelled  north to Macedonia.  Being a young  and inexperienced pastor  in  a challenging  environment is no easy  task. I have been there myself when I  received the charge from this congregation  in  1990.  So, in this challenging situation  in which the apostolic  teaching  of the gospel  is undermined   in Ephesus, what must  Timothy do,   as he depends upon the grace, mercy and peace from God? 
Here’s what Paul offers by way of counsel :

Charge  certain persons from teaching  any different doctrine! (v.3)  

Different  doctrine! This  implies   that there is  a body of true doctrine which Paul, Timothy and the New Testament church knew to be the orthodox  teaching of Christianity. In  Acts 2:42 it was called  “the apostles’ doctrine” [3]  - a  core of apostolic proclamation and teaching which defined  biblical Christianity.   It was that  teaching which the  Ephesians  first heard and which they responded to  some 10 or more years  earlier,   and which is now being challenged  by  this different doctrine[4].  So now  Timothy  is encouraged by Paul to  firmly take hold of the situation by charging or commanding [5] certain persons  to stop  teaching  doctrine  that was contrary to what they had received.  Throughout this letters to Timothy we  here this charge repeated  e.g.   
  • command and teach these things” (I Tim. 4:11). “ O Timothy, guard  the deposit entrusted to you” (I Tim. 6:20; 2 Tim 1:14). 
  • “Follow the  pattern of the  sound  words that you  have heard from me….” (2 Tim.1:13). 
  • “What you have heard  from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will be able  to teach others also” (2 Tim.2:2).

The authority of the apostolic Word  of God is not to be trifled with. The Bible and the nature of  Christ  has been challenged  by many unorthodox teachers  in the history of the early church, and this fact gave rise to the wonderful summaries  of the Christian faith in terms of  the  Apostles creed, Nicene creed, Chalcedonian  creeds etc.  So Timothy  (and Titus in  1:10,11)  have  a pastoral duty and authority  from  God to  command and  silence  those  that  mislead  the  church of God  with this different doctrine.  We have the same responsibility today.  We must ensure that  the church is fed  sound   doctrine, that conforms to the apostolic teaching as we find in in the Bible.

Now,   it is amazing  to see how quickly  unorthodox teaching enters  the church. In  Acts 20:29 -31  Paul had previously  warned the Ephesian elders  concerning  the fierce wolves who would not spare the flock, and here we are! It is happening, and now Timothy was confronted with the damage caused by   these  persons teaching false doctrines to the church.
What was the content of their    different doctrine?  In v. 4 he elaborates. They apparently   “devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations ”. 
In  v.6 Paul speaks about  them  having “wandered away into vain discussions, and in v. 7 he mentions that they  “desire to be teachers of the law, without understanding  either what they are saying or the things about  which they make  confident assertions…”

Oh how many people you find in the name of the Christian faith  indulging in  speculative  doctrines and myths and endless genealogies.  This is  very true  for Mormonism, a fast growing  false religion also  found in Namibia. This cult  originated with  a man called Joseph Smith.  He said  that in  1823  an angel named Moroni had appeared  to him.  The angel claimed to  be  the son of Mormon, the now dead leader of an American race known as Nephites. The story goes that two  groups, the Lamanites and the Nephites   had  migrated from  the  Middle East to the Americas between 600 B.C. and 400 A.D. The  Lamanites eventually  defeated and destroyed the  Nephites in battle. All this claims to have been written down on tablets of gold and Joseph Smith  had discovered them  and copied   them, and  the originals disappeared when he had finished. The detailed account of these myths  is now supposedly contained in the book of  Mormon. It is  interesting  to note that  the Mormons  are obsessed with the genealogies of its members because of their strange doctrine  of  proxy baptisms for their dead relatives. Millions of people believe all this and  this teaching  has spread it all over the world. “Myths and endless genealogies” are still  alive  on planet earth! 

Today we also hear of  stories of people who say that they have gone to heaven and have come back, and  people  are  enamoured  with  their stories, but in reality this is all meaningless talk  because in the end this produces only speculation and not godliness. The best-selling story of a boy's near-death experience in 2015  was a fake. Alex Malarkey has retracted his story about going to heaven and returning.Co-written with his father Kevin Malarkey and published in 2010, the book purported to tell the story of six-year-old Alex's experiences in heaven after a car accident in 2004, which included meeting and talking to Jesus. Now, however Alex – who was left quadraplegic by the accident – has written an open letter to booksellers including the Southern Baptist Convention's Lifeway business recanting his story and taking aim at other accounts of "heaven tourism", a genre that includes Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo and My Journey to Heaven by Marvin Besteman….. Alex confessed : "I did not die. I did not go to Heaven. "I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to. They should read the Bible, which is enough. The Bible is the only source of truth. Anything written by man cannot be infallible.[6]

What  are   the consequences  of  false teaching ?

Paul says that they  promoted  speculations  (v.4) and  apostasy since  some in the Ephesian congregation  had  wandered away from  a sincere faith and have  turned to vain discussion (v.7). Such people  who  claim such mystic experiences  and enlightenment, often set themselves up as teachers   and  in the context in Ephesus  some of these have set themselves  as  “teachers of the law” (v.7), but they  were  the literally  the blind leading the blind, as they lead their followers  away from Christ  and into  darkness and confusion.   

It is in this context that Paul  provides us with a helpful understanding of the use of the law in  vv.  8-11. Paul says that the law is good  if one uses it lawfully  i.e. for the  end to which it was intended to be used by God (v.8). But then there is also  the  improper  (heterodox) use of the law.  Any good thing from God has  been and is being abused.  That is the nature of  the ongoing  Satanic subversion of the truth of God in Jesus.  Those false teachers in Ephesus ( the fierce wolves of Acts  20:29,30)  speaking twisted things  appeared to be . “teachers of the law” (v.7).  So these teachers of the law  with their  mystical  and speculative  inclinations kept ignorant people in bondage.  That,  however is not  the proper use of the law and so ,   in vv. 8-  10  Paul helps Timothy  to discern the proper use of the law.

The proper use of the law

The law defines what sin is. Paul gives us examples of what sinners  are like and what they do  in vv.   9 &10.  The list roughly  follows the outline of  the  10 commandments.  Sinners are  lawless and disobedient. They are ungodly and sinful. They are unholy and profane (irreligious/ polluted). Those are the sins against God. The next few  descriptions deal with  sins against  fellow human beings:  disrespect for  parents, murder, and sexual immorality of all kinds (homosexuality being explicitly  mentioned),those who enslave  others, and  who lie  and commit perjury  even under oath and so on!

The law of God is made for such lawbreakers  (v.9).  The law was given  not to condemn those who have been justified by grace through faith in Jesus, but  the law was given  to judge  “the lawless, disobedient, ungodly , sinners, unholy , profane…”. At the end of the ages. When the Lord Jesus Christ shall come to judge the living and the dead,   the law will  accuse  all such people, while  those who have trusted in Christ and  who have lived in dependence on Him for their  righteousness  are  freed from  the accusations of the law.

There is much more that can be said about the function of the law e.g. the fact that the law with its stringent demands  is used by God  to bring conviction of sin and  to drive us to Christ.  But  Paul doesn’t say it all here.    Paul is concerned  to help Timothy  in his work  as a pastor   to people  who were being enslaved by false teachers . False teachers  always lead people away from Christ by  making   secondary matters  (i.e. matters that are in the Bible … there are many mysteries ; there are genealogies , there is the law)  into primary matters, thereby losing Christ  in the process. Losing Jesus  means that  we  will easily  slip back into our pagan lifestyles with  its idolatry  and immorality  - all the things  addressed by the law .
So,  Timothy is to do all he can to put a stop to the spread of this teaching, such as mysticism and worthless speculations  on matters like genealogies. He is  to stop  this tendency by which people become enslaved  by  a legalistic framework. 

But the work of the pastor does not only consist in  dealing with such problems  negatively. Timothy must not only teach the Ephesian church in term of what not to do, but he must also instruct the church in a positive way. We see this in v. 4.  He talks about  that which  promotes God’s work, and he says it is “love (for God and man)  that issues  from a pure heart  and a  good conscience and a  sincere faith “ and in  v. 11 he gives us the object of that faith: “the gospel of the glory of the blessed God”. The gospel is  Jesus Christ, His person and work , and we shall see that  Paul continues    with that theme  in  1:12-17, ending  with that tremendous doxology in v.17

Myths and genealogies and legalism  promote controversies, but God’s work is promoted by “love that issues  from a pure heart  and a  good conscience and a  sincere faith“. Timothy was sent to Ephesus to save the church from being destroyed. His mission was one of love for God and for the church. That was the reason for silencing the mouths of false teachers, and if  Timothy fails  to do this then he will not truly love God or the church. Jesus  greatest outburst of anger  was  when He saw the temple of God  the House of Prayer  abused  by unscrupulous  marketeers. We too show our love  by our zeal for God and for His church. We will never show true love by way of compromising  with false teachers and their false doctrine.  
So many of our failures are failures  to  keep the two great commandments, that is  loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbours as  we would love ourselves. (Mark 12 :30,31).

Paul's advice to Timothy  is  therefore  : "Timothy,  do your work  at Ephesus  for  God with love  for God and for the church . Do this from a pure heart  and a good conscience  and a sincere faith .  Do this in accordance  with the  gospel of the glory of the blessed God with  which I have been  entrusted." 
Amen !

[1]  Second missionary journey : Acts 15:36-18
[2] 1 Tim 4:14
[3] See also   1 Cor 15:1-3 ;  Rom 6:17;  2Tim 1:13
[4] Greek : heterodidaskaleō
[5]  Greek : paranggelō  - para ( besides) & angelō (to announce)  - to pass on an announcement .


  OUTLINE 1.  The Heart of Biblical Repentance 2. True and False Repentance 3. Repentance -  A New Testament Overview 4. Biblical  Repentanc...