Sunday, July 26, 2020


Is the pursuit of our dreams  a guarantee that  we will  live a  fulfilled  life? 
Much of modern advertising seems to think so. “This car will  be your ultimate dream“; “that retirement  plan will  usher  in your carefree  future”; ”this piece of real estate is guaranteed  to  be  your  heaven on earth”!  
We must learn to think very carefully about such statements and measure them against the wisdom of the Word of God of God. Theology matters! Life is ultimately theological.

Solomon had set his heart upon such a quest. He spared no expenses in  the pursuit  of  self- indulgence,  allowing   his  thoughts and desires  to  lead them wherever they would take him to.  However when he considered  the  world theologically i.e. from  the viewpoint of God,  he discovered  that  the pursuit  of all these things, apart from the fear of God   would lead to no lasting satisfaction.  And so, we find his oft repeated  saying,  “All is  vanity… a striving after the wind …”. 
And we have to keep on reminding ourselves that this is not his ultimate conclusion. 
His ultimate thoughts end with God. At the end of this book we read, “The end of the matter, all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (12:13-14)

It is not the wisdom about the fallen world that gives meaning to the fallen world; it is the fact that there is a God above this fallen world. He supplies meaning to this fallen world. Theology matters! 

I trust that you are seeing what Solomon is saying.  Life apart from God at the center is ultimately meaningless, empty and even despairing.  Paradoxically  our fallen natures  incline us not to want  God at the centre of our lives, and yet  we have   this  vacuum in our  heart - this craving for ultimate meaning, of which the church father,  Augustine  (354- 430 AD) reminds us in his Confessions: “O God  our hearts are restless until they are  found in you!” [1] 

Such an observation should not surprise us, for we were made for God. Life is theological, and theology matters.

In Ecclesiastes  3 Solomon helps us to  see that one of the great  secrets towards  experiencing satisfaction and meaning in life is to recognize and embrace the providence of God over everything in life. He wants us to accept that God has made a  time for everything!  He is in charge of our joys and our sorrows. It is this fact that brings balance to the soul. We shall see this thought repeated  again as we  now survey  Chapter  5.

But before we get there, just a brief recapitulation  of  Ecclesiastes 4. This  chapter  passage  looks at  injustices and oppressions,  jealousy and envy,  at loneliness, and at  political intrigue  in this  fallen  world.  Solomon  wants us to see that if we are looking for ultimate satisfaction  from  people or stuff  in this life,  we  are going to be  sadly disappointed. Satisfaction in this life cannot come from focusing on this life.  It has to come from something outside this life.  It must come from someone above this life. Life is theological. Theology matters. This  thought then  brings us  to Ecclesiastes 5.

Outline  of Ecclesiastes 5

5:1-7: How we should approach God in worship? 
5: 8 – 9: How should we  respond  to the oppression of the poor?
5:10-17: A reflection upon the emptiness of prosperity without God. 
5:18-20:  Enjoy what you have, while you have it. The keyword here is joy![2]


The key - worship  thoughtfully and reverently –  learn to live from the centre

5:1  Guard your steps… draw near to listen:  In worship learn to listen. Let God have the first word in your life. This is better than  to offer  the sacrifice of fools. This thought forms the contrast. Fools have loose tongues; they are noisy. They don’t listen. Jesus warns us concerning  those who  babble  and  who use many words (Matt 6:7).  Much of modern worship is noisy, unguarded and non-listening to  the Word of God. Theology corrects false  notions of worship. Theology matters!

5: 2-3 Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter  a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth.  Having told us that we must be quick to hear (and obey), we are now urged to be slow to speak.  The governing theological principle  here is  this, "God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few." This  is important  for us  to consider. Even though we are privileged  to have  entered into an intimate  relationship with God (through Christ), we must  also learn to know our place.  Let us  be careful not to  substitute   our reverent  intimacy with God  with a a flippant overfamiliarity. God  is to be feared  (see 5:7 – also 3:14; 7:18 ; 8:12; 12:13). Don’t think  that you don’t know God  as well as you think. 
  • He is   infinitely righteous  and holy , and you are not. 
  • He sees everything  with  perfect clarity , and you do not.  
  • He is infinitely great  and awesome in His Being, and you are less than a speck of   dust in creation. 
  • You don’t know the mind of God (Isa.55: 8-9). 
  • He  is utterly self- sufficient  in His own wisdom and counsel (Rom. 11:34;  Isa.  40:13 ; 41:28) and you have a finite mind, and are dependent on His grace to sustain you.
  • You are not  His counsellor  or  His private  secretary. 
  • You don’t have to instruct or remind God of anything - something that we often forget in prayer.  You don’t have to babble or to use many words to get through to Him (Matt. 6:7,8). A fool’s voice comes with many words (5:4). Fools say things about God that are not true at all. They come to false conclusions about   His work in the world.  Solomon warns us, “Be not rash with your mouth, nor  let  your heart be  hasty to utter  a word before God.” (5:2)

5:4-6. Keep  your vows! When anybody   in Israel  made a vow before God, they were under obligation to keep it  - see Numbers  30:2  [For application, see   Hannah in  1 Samuel  1:11 and 1:21  for the  fulfilment of  her vow]. The temptation was  to withhold  one’s  vow.  Solomon  reminds us to let our “yes” be  “yes” or “no”  before God, and the  NT  sees no change in status  in this when Jesus speaks about this  subject in  Matt. 5:33-37.  Words and vows are important  to God. 
So, since our tendency is to make rash vows, it would be better not to vow at all. Doing so might provoke God to anger, so that He destroys the work of your hands (5:6b). And don’t say to  the messenger (the one  who has heard your vow before God, and who holds you accountable afterwards) – it was a mistake!  
Be also careful  of this, “when dreams and words grow many, there is vanity” (5:3,7). Be careful that  your dreams and the many words (perhaps the counsel of friends  that surround you) don’t  make you say things you should not say.   
The bottom line is this: Fear God. It is, as we have already observed a recurring theme  in this book.  
Theology matters!  
Learn to live from the center. 
Don’t play the fool with God. 
Learn to listen to God. 
Let your words be guarded when you speak  about  God. 
Speak sound words.  theology of worship. 
For the rest, trust God.


What should believers do when they see oppression and lack of justice and righteousness exercised in the land? 
Firstly, they should not be amazed by it (5:8a).  This is the way life is under the sun, and in the scheme of things every country has to contend with the frustration of  officialdom and bureaucracy. It is in the nature of bureaucratic officials  to oppress  people. When a person gains power over other persons, it seems inevitable that a moral weakness develops in the person who exercises that power. Lord Acton (1834 -1902), English historian  and politician, famously said: “Power corrupts , absolute power corrupts absolutely“
[See also Samuel’s warning about kings  in  1 Samuel 8: 10-18]  
Do not be amazed  when these things happen. This is the typical expression of man’s fallen nature. Believing  the theology of  the doctrine of the fall cures us from the romantic idealism of the communists, the socialists and the capitalists. Theology matters!

V.9  is   difficult to translate, but  I think it says  that even with  bureaucratic and stifling  systems a land   can be  blessed when its king is committed to making sure that there  are cultivated lands  i.e.  food on the table!


How   should believers consider money and prosperity? Here  are some great insights:
5:10: Life without  God at the centre  produces all sorts of distorted perceptions. Nowhere is this more apparent than with money and wealth. Solomon says that  if money is your first love, then it will leave you  dissatisfied. 1 Timothy 6:9-10 warns us.

5:11:  Wealth brings its own set of challenges. My father used to say,   “The more you have, the more  worries  you have; the more  you need  to fight to protect it.”  This is burdensome.  The more you have, the more you will have people around you who feed off you. Your responsibilities increase. You live to work for others.  

5:12:  Wealth does not  provide peace and contentment. It can actually make you restless  and sleepless.  The common labourer does not have this problem, whereas  the rich man  may  lie awake  at night wondering whether the stock -market   would not perhaps leave him penniless tomorrow morning. If money is your first love, then this  love  will  not put you to sleep tenderly at night.

5:13:   Solomon shares a  testimony  of what he has personally seen, “There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: riches being kept by  their owner to his own hurt.”  People in love with money, hoard their money and possessions, and often become deeply suspicious, paranoic and insecure. Can I trust my financial advisor?  Can my wife and  children be trusted with my money?  How sad, when God, family and  friends  move into  distance  on account of the love of money. 

5:14:  Here’s another reason why wealth and  riches  cannot satisfy. It so easily slips through our fingers: “… and  those riches were lost in a bad venture.”   And then your son (or family)  who are your heirs  sit with nothing!

5:15 -16: The truth of course is that  “a hearse pulls  no trailer!”   You can’t take it with you.

5:17:  “… all his  days he eats in darkness  in much  vexation, sickness and anger.”  The heart  fixed on material  wealth  makes you  miserable  - emotionally and physically! 



(i)         First principle: Live in the fear of the Lord  (5:7)   

(ii)        Recognize that prosperity can be a  very real trial to your faith. Thomas Carlyle (1798 -1881) a Scottish philosopher said, “For a hundred that can bear adversity, there is hardly a one that can bear prosperity.” 
Do not be owned by things; things must be owned by you.  “Possessions weigh me down in life; I never feel quite free. I often wonder whether I own my things, or if my things own me.” 
That means that we use what we have been given by God to glorify God, and to meet   the legitimate needs of our families and ourselves, and to do good to Christians, to promote the gospel, and to be generous in our community.

The result is joy  (mentioned 4 times in 5: 18-20), and it is possible because God is at the center!  God frees us from the tyranny of possessions, and this produces joy!  
When  Jesus is our greatest  possession then  our theology  is right!
The right theology matters.

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