Monday, June 29, 2020

Genesis 35 “Back to the Original Plan”

1.     35:1-8 Back to Bethel
2.     35:9-15 God’s Covenantal Blessing Reaffirmed
3.     35:16-29  Sin and Sadness  in the Family
4.     35:27-26 Back home with Isaac  

Nearly thirty years have passed since Jacob vowed to return to Bethel, where God had revealed Himself to him during his escape from Esau to Paddan-aram (Gen.28) where his uncle Laban lived. 

Now  it had been approximately ten years since Jacob had left his uncle to return to Canaan. We saw that he had built a house in Succoth (33:17) and then in Shechem (33:18ff) where he had also built an altar (33:20).  You see, the original plan was for Jacob to return to Bethel, the place he had vowed to God that he would return to (28:20-22). Bethel was only 45 km’s from Shechem, but somehow Jacob never got back to this place of oath and promise.

You cannot break an oath, or a vow made before God with impunity, and so we are not surprised to see what happened  in  Chapter  34  where we read  of  his daughter Dinah’s rape, and the terrible revenge  killing  of the Shechemites, undertaken  by the sons of Jacob. 
All this  was  the  result of settling in the wrong neighbourhood.   

Not only was this a spiritually cold and disappointing season for Jacob and his covenant family (God is never mentioned in that 34th  chapter), but the testimony of his family was seriously damaged at this time.  Somewhere along the way Jacob had lost the vision of God as he became preoccupied with settling at any old place that pleased the natural eye.  We can say that his faith had grown lukewarm[1]. He had backslidden. He is near Bethel but not near to the God of Bethel. This experience is unfortunately all too common to all Christians.  We may be near God and near His means of grace but in our hearts we may be far from God. 
Thank God then for Genesis 35 where we shall find that Jacob is helped by the grace of God to find his way back to the original plan.

1.     Back to Bethel (35:1-8)

God said to Jacob, “Arise, go  up to Bethel and dwell there. Make an altar there to the God who appeared to you when you fled from your brother Esau” (35:1) 
Why did God wait so long to tell Jacob  to  get back  to  Bethel? The answer is simple. The matter was actually settled in Genesis 28.  God does not have to send out daily reminders. He has spoken once and that is enough!  Jacob would have done well with what we preach to our children – insisting on first time obedience!  Jacob clearly had neither obeyed nor listened to God. But now the pain caused in Chapter 34 becomes God’s megaphone to get Jacob’s attention – to  speak  once more into Jacob’s  life.  We saw that Jacob and his family had now become a stench in the land (34:30). It was only at this point that Jacob listened to the voice of God reminding him of his oath and duty to return to Bethel.

Now here is a useful teaching moment with respect to the interplay between God’s will and man’s will, particularly as this applies to God’s covenant children.  We do have a free will in the sense of being able to choose whether or not we will obey that which God has commanded. BUT,while we can resist the  will of God  we  will not  hinder God’s ultimate purposes. 
God allows his covenant children to choose their own way, but it is clear that in doing so they will reap the consequences of their disobedience. Nevertheless, in the final analysis, God will bring his covenant people back to His will and purpose. And when  they have been hurt  and when they  are left bruised and bleeding as a result of their  sinful choices, our gracious covenant God  picks them up and sends them in the right direction.

But another thing was needed before Jacob could move to Bethel, where God’s presence was formerly made manifest. Jacob  needed to purge  his covenant family from  the presence of foreign gods  and  their influences. Isn’t it strange that until now he had done nothing about these? These foreign gods (i.e. visible images -35:2,4),  and also the earrings (35:4) are probably  a reference to the household gods that Rachel had stolen from her dad  in 31:19, when they had fled from Laban. In addition, this  culture and practise of keeping  household gods probably had spread among the clan.  This this idolatry had to be decisively dealt with before moving on into the presence of a holy God. 
Again we are struck by the spiritual coldness and indifference of Jacob concerning these things (which he knew to be wrong) whilst he lived in Shechem.  And now, all of a sudden when God called him to return to Bethel, he was greatly concerned about these things.  It took a crisis to confront his lukewarm idolatrous heart.

And so, as  soon as they left for Bethel, back on the right road, we learn  that no one pursued the covenant family, for “a terror from God[2]  fell upon the cities … so that they did not pursue the sons of Jacob” (35:5). When you are back on the right road again, the Lord of that road will keep you safely from all harm. We also learn from this that our protection and safety is not to be found in our own strength or in alliances with pagans, but in the fear of God.  Arriving at  Bethel Jacob, in keeping with the command of God, built an altar, calling it El-Bethel (lit. God of the House of God).  It was here we read that that Deborah, his mother Rebekah’s maid, died. 

2.     God’s Covenantal Blessing Reaffirmed (35:9-15)

God appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Paddan-aram, and blessed him (35:9). God first appeared to Jacob at Bethel, 30 years earlier. And now  God appears to him ‘again’  here  at Bethel  30 years later, and  He blesses him.  The promises given 30 years ago (28:13-15)  are  reaffirmed. And the promise of  32:28  (Jacob  renamed  Israel)  is reaffirmed. From now on Jacob would be called Israel. He would be fruitful and would become a nation and a company of nations, and the land promised to Abraham and Isaac would be his and his descendants (35:10-12).  
We are told that the presence of God at that  time  was visible,  and  that God went up from him in the place where he had spoken with him (35:13). Now in response,  Jacob set up a pillar of stone there and poured a drink offering and oil upon it (35:14).  Jacob renamed that place, originally known as Luz, as Bethel (35:6 cf. 35:15). It was absolutely essential that Jacob came here and did this. He should have done it in the first place. He was back in sync with God.

3.     35:16-29 Further  Sin and Sadness  in the Family

Then they journeyed from Bethel…. Having fulfilled  his  oath and promise to God to worship Him at Bethel, the place of his first encounter with God, he needs to complete the journey  to  see his aged father, Isaac.  Now we read that somewhere between Bethel and Bethlehem, Rachel went into hard labour (35:16). Her life was at stake. The midwife tried to encourage Rachel by informing her that it was another son she wanted so badly. But the labour was so hard that Rachel   was now dying,  and  in this process she named this second son Ben-oni, (son of my sorrow).  Jacob however changed it to Benjamin (son of my right hand). Rachel who was Jacob’s first love, was buried on the way to Bethlehem, the later birthplace of the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Sorrow is never far from this family. While Jacob was camping with his covenant family beyond the tower of Eder (35:25), another painful thing happened. Reuben, Jacob’s firstborn son, had a sexual affair with Bilhah, Rachel’s maid, who was also Jacob’s concubine. “And Israel heard of it” (35:22). Later, we read that Jacob will take the rights of the firstborn away  from Reuben (cf. 49:34). 
There is more to this story than meets the eye. Bilhah was not a young woman. She probably could have been Reuben’s mother.  So what was this all about? An incident later in the history of Israel,  in  I Kings 2:13-25 helps us to  understand  what might have been behind this.  Adonijah one of David’s sons wanted to inherit the throne of his father David very badly. He asked  Bathsheba, David’s  wife  to ask king David for Abishag the Shunammite (one of David’s consorts)  as a wife. Adonijah of course  knew that to claim the king’s harem was to possess the kingdom. That was the basis for his request. Solomon (Batheba’s son and king designate) knew it also and  therefore  he had him put to death for treason.
This may explain the action of Reuben. He, like Adonijah, was the older brother, who would have been expected to assume the rights of the firstborn. He, like Adonijah, could, by this act of “possessing  Jacob’s  harem”, assume the headship  of the tribe of Israel. In this we can see  that the  battle for Jacob’s succession was beginning.  Previous to this time, God had chosen to fulfil His covenant to Abraham through one son to the exclusion of others. Now God’s people would  be begotten through all the sons of Jacob.

4.      35:27-26 Back Home with Isaac  

The final event of the chapter records the meeting of Jacob with his father Isaac, and his brother Esau. Perhaps this was most difficult thing for Jacob -  to stand before his father, whom he had deceived in order to obtain the blessing.  One might conclude that Jacob had scarcely arrived when Isaac died, but there is evidence  to believe  that  there might have been a few years  until his father’s death. The burial of Isaac was a cooperative effort of both Jacob and Esau. There is no indication  at this point that Esau still intended to carry out his threat from years past that he would get even with Jacob once his father died (cf. 27:41).

Conclusion: What we can learn from the Chapter

1.     The importance of spiritual renewal. The goal of the  believer’s life is to stay  close to God. However, it is in the nature of a fallen being to drift. At such times it is important to go back to the place of our first love and  recommit ourselves there  to our God.  

2.     Renewal  means repentance.
a.      Jacob needed  to stop  going his own sinful way. He needed  to  do the will of God.  There cannot be renewal without repentance and renewed obedience.
b.     Jacob needed  to  put away those foreign gods which he had so long tolerated and which were so offensive to God.
c.      Jacob’s renewal involved reconciliation with those who had been injured and offended by his sins. We cannot be reconciled to God without being reconciled with men (cf. Matthew 5:23-24).

3.       We need to learn  that  even when  we  renew our relationship with God, all things will not go smoothly for us. Life in this fallen world will be challenging  until we get to our heavenly Canaan.  In this  we must learn  that our afflictions are the very things which often draw us nearer to God and strengthen our faith. Had the tragedy regarding Dinah not occurred, Jacob would have been content to remain amongst the Canaanites.

4.       We learn again  that we reap  what we sow (cf. Galatians 6:7). Much of the heartache which Jacob experienced in this chapter was the result of his previous sins.

5.      Thank God for His persevering grace with us. Let us not conclude, however that it matters little what we do. It matters a great deal. There was much needless heartache and sorrow in Jacob’s life because of his waywardness. Sin is never worth the price. But thank God that at the end  His grace IS greater than all our sin. Amen

[1] Revelation 3:14-22 – the church at Laodicea
[2] cf. Exodus 15:16; 23:27; Deuteronomy 2:25

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