Monday, July 31, 2023



We   now have before us  the last  Chapters 10 - 12   which contain a lengthy vision which Daniel received as a very old man - in the 3rd year of the reign of Cyrus  the Persian. It is estimated, that Daniel was now about  86   years old!


1.  Chapter 10 constitutes the introduction; it tells us how the vision  came about, under what circumstances   and what kind of effect it had on Daniel.

2.     Chapter 11 contains the sum and substance of the revelation. Here we find prophecies containing Persia, Greece and the time of the end. In 11:21 we will meet again with Antiochus Epiphanes (see Chapter 8)  - Seleucid king of the Hellenistic Syrian kingdom who reigned from 175 to 164 BC. He was responsible for much suffering among the Jews of his  day.  Antiochus Epiphanes is the type of an anti- Christ who will also   cause havoc in the Christian church. Thankfully we learn  that it is decreed that an end will  come  for his kind at the appointed   time (11:27,35). Thankfully, the influence of the anti -Christ will be limited (11:36, 45).  We are greatly encouraged, along with Daniel and all the saints of history, to learn that evil cannot last forever. In fact, it is God's principle to break evil when it is at its height. We also learn that it is God's way to help His people IN the fire.  We learn that   even though evil may win many battles, it will never win the war!  It can never ultimately triumph, because  God is God. He is the Sovereign God.

3.      Chapter 12 contains the epilogue and reveals a glimpse of the future. The church of God will go through much suffering in the ultimate end days, as indeed it has done throughout these last days i.e. the time between Jesus ascension and descension. We also read here   of the resurrection of the believers, which will happen after that time of   suffering. There are many things which Daniel does not understand here, nor is he permitted to understand them. But he knows this: God will bring His plan to completion.


1.      10:1-3  The  year  and effect of the Vision  

2.      10: 4-12  An overwhelming  Visitor assures Daniel

3.      10:13-14 What’s behind it all : Spiritual Warfare

4.      10:15-21 Daniel utterly exhausted and strengthened


1.      10:1-3 The year and the effect of the Vision  

“In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia...” (10:1). This would have been in 537 BC.  We know that in the first year of Cyrus, whose heart was in the Lord’s hands (Prov. 21:1),   the Jews were given permission to return to Jerusalem (see Ezra 1:1ff). That process lasted for a century or more.  The Jews had been in exile in Babylon since 605 BC. According to the books of Ezra–Nehemiah, the return to Israel occurred in several waves, i.e. under  Sheshbazzar,  Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah. In the book of Nehemiah (445B.C.), who lived almost a 100 years after Daniel, we find a record of  42,360 people that  went home  to Israel (Neh. 7:66).  It does not appear as if Daniel ever made it back to Israel. In fact, the prophecy of Daniel ends with these words concerning him… “…And you shall rest and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days” (12:13). This points forward to something more glorious, something far greater than an earthly country. Daniel, like Abraham and Moses was enabled to look forward to a far greater city, “that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.” (Hebr. 11:10)  

During that third year of Cyrus, when some of his countrymen were already beginning to settle back in Israel, Daniel received a revelation of a great conflict to come. He understood the word and had understanding of the vision (10:1).  This vision so overwhelmed Daniel that he mourned with fasting for three weeks.  When the going gets tough the tough get praying. Please note that this response was heard from the very beginning (10:12), but Daniel did not know that yet. It would take another three weeks before he would receive an explanation.  God often makes his people wait a while before they see the answer. How encouraging then to know that God sees and hears our petitions (1 Jn. 5:14,15). We do not need to have our questions immediately answered if we know that God hears us. We are reminded in this passage of what a tremendous need we have in the church today for intercessors like Daniel. Faithful praying people always have been the human tool used by God to bring true perspective, true wisdom of the times, and the knowledge what to do. Praying people also have been the reason why God, in history has often revived and renewed His church (Ps.85:6). We have a tremendous need for that ministry in our own day.

2.      10:4-12  An overwhelming Visitor assures Daniel

In response to prayer, Daniel receives this glorious and overwhelming visitation.  After three weeks (10:4), when Daniel was standing  on the bank of the Tigris river, he  lifted up his eyes and  saw  an indescribably  glorious man. We called it a Theophany.   When we consider the description we shall see the similarity with what  Abraham saw  (Gen. 15 etc.), what Jacob saw (Ex.32:30),  what Moses saw in Exodus 3, whom  Isaiah saw (Isaiah 6),   whom Ezekiel  saw  (Ezek. 1:26-28), whom Peter, James and John saw on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-13; 2 Pet.1:16-18),  whom  Saul  saw on the Damascus Road (Acts 9)  and whom John saw on the Isle of Patmos (Rev. 1:9-18).  Daniel saw him too.  Whether this was   the angel Gabriel, or another angel or an appearance of the pre-incarnate  Lord Jesus Christ we do not know.  All we know that this was heaven’s own presence!  The men with Daniel were not privileged to see this  although they  felt his presence  and “trembled and fled to hide themselves” (10:7). The effect on Daniel is recorded throughout the chapter.  Daniel tells us, “no strength was left in me (10:8,16,17). My radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength … I fell on my face in deep sleep with my face to the ground“ (10:8). That glorious visitor left Daniel trembling, shaken  and speechless by this encounter. There is nothing casual about a  heavenly visitor. [1] The visitor affirms something in 10:11,19  to Daniel that was previously said in 9:23, “You are greatly loved”.  It is a great word of affirmation and assurance.

It is also the answer to Daniel’s prayer. In Chapter 11 we shall see that the vision concerns  some of the  huge trials and sufferings  which the Jews – the covenant people of God,  shall undergo in the future. And the glorious visitor helps Daniel to understand  the bigger picture which is behind this huge conflict.  He introduces the reality of the spiritual conflict (Ch. 10) which is behind the physical conflict of the nations in Ch.11, with Israel caught up in the middle. 

3.         10:13-14  What’s behind it all:   Spiritual Warfare

And so He tells Daniel that He has been  at war with the Prince of  Persia these past twenty-one days (10:13). In all this he assures Daniel that his prayer was not neglected. What Daniel saw caused him to be  anxious for the future of his people. The  glorious man comes to assure him, “I came to make  you understand what is to happen to your people in the latter days. For the vision is for days yet to come” (10:14). The first thing that David must understand  is that there is behind all of history  a huge, unseen reality, a war raging in the heavenlies. This glorious visitor, assisted by Michael (10:13,21, Jude 9)  is presently  fighting with the Prince of Persia, and soon also with the prince of Greece (10:20). We know very little about these realities, and it is not really wise to speculate[2],  but we know that the apostle Paul affirms this  in Ephesians 6:10ff. This has generated  an interest  in the last century  in ‘territorial spirits’, generating  the theory that every community has ‘territorial spirits’  or guardian demons who rule over them. Prayer warriors are then called to identify the names of these territorial spirits and bind them in the Name of Jesus, to release the captives held in bondage by them. This movement seemed all very man centred, and we here nothing of it now. Still, there can be no doubt that  the Bible affirms that there is a huge spiritual battle happening in  the unseen realm, and in an ongoing fashion. 

Abraham Kuyper (1837–1920), pastor, theologian, and one time prime minister of the Netherlands once wrote, “If once the curtain were pulled back, and the spiritual world behind it came to view, it would expose to our spiritual vision a struggle so intense, so convulsive, sweeping everything within its range, that the fiercest battle fought on earth would seem, by comparison, a mere game…”[3]

There can be no doubt that Satan does his utmost to destroy the church of God on earth through killing her, and by infiltrating and subverting her[4]. We must remember that our entire existence on earth is about the war for the human heart. And the ultimate truth is this: Everyone is a captive of Satan until they are liberated or freed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The whole world is Satan’s current domain (1 John 5:19) and not just Persia or Greece. Satan uses any means at his disposal- any  political powers, religious organisations, false teachings,  at all times. 

How then can Satan be defeated? The glorious One seen by Daniel, has successfully resisted him. Ultimately, only the  One  who was to come from God  in the flesh would decisively defeat the powers of darkness by His sinless life and death. The Lord Christ defeated Satan at the cross (John 12:31, 16:11, and Rev. 12:7-9). The gospel of Jesus  now goes beyond  the boundaries of Israel into every nation in the world, systematically plundering the strong man of his subjects. By divine permission He is presently allowed to roam the earth like a roaring lion (1 Pet. 5:8), and as such he  will never stop attacking the people of God until the second coming of Christ. The way he is defeated now is through gospel preaching and gospel living. Every Christian is called to resist the devil  and he will flee  (James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:9).

So what we see here then is a revelation of the spiritual battle for the kingdom of God.   And so, even after their return to Israel there would be severe  spiritual conflict. They weren’t returning to heaven. We learn so much from this.

We learn first of all, that all the events of this world cannot be simply interpreted by historical interpreters.  History is far bigger. Ultimately history is His story.  Therefore history, the past  and the future is spiritual and theological. One American general was once asked, “Sir what is the origin of all wars?” The general said, “the origin of all wars is theological.” We tend to think of  Washington or Moscow, the West or the  East as  the  ultimate  powerbrokers. But they are not at the centre of the ultimate power struggle of history. “Not here, but up there, that is where the real conflict is waged”.

Let me ask you  a question. What do you see in this building? Is there anything else?Let me tell you what I see. From this passage and from Ephesians 6 and from the book of Revelation I see powers and principalities at work. I see spiritual forces above engaged in a war for your soul.  

We learn that Christians are inevitably caught up in that spiritual conflict and  we learn that our prayers have a role. This passage teaches us  concerning  the power of prayer, but  be careful! The power of prayer is not in the prayer. The power of prayer is in the God who wants “all men to pray, lifting holy hands without anger  or quarrelling” (1 Tim 2:8). From the life of Daniel we also learn that the power of prayer is connected to the power of consistent godliness and holiness. Our character and our prayer goes together. “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5: 16b).

Once again I submit to you that the Bible gives you the only reasonable  worldview and explanation for the  way things are in this world.

[1] D.R. Davies : The Message of Daniel: BST Series,p.142

[2] As was the case in a genre of books that appeared in the 90’s  e.g. Frank Peretti : This Present Darkness

[3] Bryan Chapell: The Gospel according to Daniel, Baker Books , p.175

[4] thus   Rev.  2:9-10, 13,24; 3:9

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