Sunday, November 17, 2019

Isaiah 10:5-34 "The Sovereignty of God"

The Bible provides us with perspectives that absolutely rock our common worldviews.  A very common worldview today (and it is even held by many Christians)   is that God has nothing to do with the world’s politics.  It is thought that He leaves that to the world’s rulers. It is thought that He is watching this world from a distance, and some Christians believe that He will only intervene at the end of time, when things have thoroughly gotten out of hand.
Well, the Bible knows nothing of this kind of thinking. Nothing!  Isaiah shows us that God is at work in this world in a sovereign, hands-on way. Even though we do not see Him physically, He is the unseen hand ruling the world, upholding it moment by moment.

Nothing exists or happens in this world which He doesn’t know.

Nothing that happens in this world catches Him by surprise.

God is involved in the political happenings of our world. In and through it all He does not command evil, but He does allow evil to have its way for a while, so that our world may learn to see its own folly. In the history of nations God is frequently seen to be handing nations over to the kind of rulers they deserve.    
Do we have any influence in all of this? 
Yes! We must pray and work. The Bible teaches us to pray (that is, to speak to and ask God) for our governing authorities, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way (1Tim 2:2).  The Bible teaches also that Christians must work positively, working as salt and light in this decaying world.  

From  this text we learn to see God’s hand in the affairs of this world  in  that,
1.     Assyria is  God’s  chastising tool  upon  His wayward  nation (10:5-7)
2.     Assyria   is an arrogant boastful nation  (10:7-11 ; 13-14)
3.    Assyria will be in for a nasty surprise, for God will  judge her (10:12;10:15-19)
4.     God will preserve His people, in the midst of it all political chaos (10:20-34)

1.     10:5-7   Assyria, God’s surprising  instrument of chastisement

In  Isaiah 7:1 -10:4  God  has revealed to  Isaiah that He would use Assyria [i] as an instrument of judgment against Syria, Israel, and Judah, who were at this time  at  war among themselves. God was not standing by idly. He was handing over these nations to Assyria: “Ah Assyria, the rod of my anger; the staff in their hands  is my fury.”

Do you see the Great Shepherd at work here?  “… the rod of my anger … the staff in  their hands is my fury”.  The rod and the staff are a shepherd’s tools to guide and correct his  sheep. Assyria fulfilled that function right now, as God used her to correct Syria, Israel, and Judah. In that sense Assyria was the servant of God - but only in that sense.  Later in Isaiah  44:28  that  same  idea  is expressed,  when  a century and a half later God calls Cyrus, the Persian ruler to be His shepherd  to deliver Israel from Babylonian captivity and to punish the Babylonians  for their brutal ways.
Back to Assyria. The Lord says,  “against a godless nation I send him, and against the people of my wrath I command  him to take spoil and to seize plunder and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.” (10:6b).

The language here leaves us in no doubt that God  was using the Assyrians who were the political superpower at that time. The Assyrians were an efficient, well developed army in its day. They were the first to develop iron weapons, being superior to the bronze weapons, commonly used at that time. Their skill allowed them to make weapons and protective items, so more soldiers could use them. They were the first army to have a separate engineering unit, which could set up ladders and ramps, and fill in moats, and dig tunnels to help the soldiers get into a walled city. They were also among the first to build chariots. These technological advancements allowed the Assyrians to expand their empire.[ii]   What is surprising in all this is that God would use  a pagan nation, an arrogant nation to chastise His people. In this next section we will explore  the arrogance of the Assyrians.

2.      Assyria - an arrogant boastful nation  (10:7-11 ; 13-14)

We have seen that Assyria is a tool in God’s hand. 
But how does Assyria see herself? Chapter 10:7-11 and 10: 13-14 give us insight here.  Assyria, although she is given this momentary authority by God, we find  this  assessment of her own attitude: "(But he- Assyria) does not so intend, and his heart does not so think; but it is in his heart to destroy, and to cut off nations not a few” (10:7). Assyrians  think that they are the  masters of their own destiny.  The arrogance of the king of Assyria is described in  10:13, “For he says, By the strength of my hand have I done it, and by my wisdom, for I have understanding; I remove the boundaries of people, and  plunder their treasures; like a bull I bring down those who sit on thrones…” (10:13,14). Here  we learn  that,  although Assyria was indeed  an instrument in God's hand, and since she  was  doing the will of the LORD,  that this  fact did not free her  from employing her own motives  for  attacking  Syria, Israel, and Judah.  Not at all!  Although  she  was  given a free hand from God, it was in her heart to destroy, and cut off not a few nations.    When we read of the account of the Assyrian besiegement of Jerusalem in Isaiah 36:10 (cf. 2Kings 18:25) we take note that the commander of the Assyrians appeared to have been aware of his divine mandate from the God of Israel. But it is equally clear in that context that Assyria thought little of the God of Israel. The Assyrian commanders appropriated to themselves much glory, but in truth, their enablement came from the sovereign God, who had enabled them to rule at a time such as this.  

Do you see what is happening here? Assyria had an over - inflated view of herself.  She regarded her commanders to be on the level of the kings of other nations: "For he says, 'Are not my commanders  all  kings? Is not Calno like Carchemish? Is not Hamath like Arpad? Is not Samaria like Damascus?” The cities mentioned in 10:9,10 were systematically conquered  by the  Assyrians, and in so doing they  boasted  that  none of their territorial  gods  had been able to help them.

Observe the pride of the Assyrians. Consider their boastful language: “As my hand has  reached to the kingdoms of the idols, whose carved images were greater than those  of Jerusalem and Samaria, shall I not do  to Jerusalem and her idols as I have done to Samaria and her idols?'"  (10:10,11). They thought of  the  God of Israel as nothing more than one of the idols that they had conquered in Samaria or in many other cities. They glory in their own strength and wisdom and power.  This is asking for trouble! The Assyrians were going to be in for a rude  surprise!

3.     Assyria will be in for a nasty surprise, for God will  judge her  (10:12; 10:15-19)

This brings us to the next point. Do not think that God Almighty overlooks anything! In this very text God the Almighty vows to severely discipline the Assyrians.

10:12  “When the Lord has finished all his work  on Mt Zion  and on Jerusalem, he will punish  the  speech of the arrogant  heart of the king of Assyria  and the boastful look in his eyes…”
In 10: 15 -19  the LORD uses the pictures of an axe, a saw, a rod, and a staff to make the point that  a tool  should never take credit for what the workman  does with the tool. The skill is in the user, not in the tool.  Assyria was the tool. God was the workman, but Assyria took the glory.  And now she must face God herself.

10:16 “Therefore the Lord God of hosts will send wasting sickness among his stout warriors…”.   In Isaiah 37:36 we read  how God, in history  actually   judged the Assyrians: “And the angel of the LORD went out and struck down 185 000 in the camp of the Assyrians”. That was the end of the Assyrian   attempt to conquer Jerusalem, and that is basically also the end of the Assyrian empire. How those that think they stand beware lest they fall. How the mighty have fallen!  God is a terrible Judge! Let the arrogant and unrepentant  take note! It is a terrible thing to fall into the hand of the Living God.

As we pause to reflect on this, one of the greatest perplexities for the thoughtful reader of Scripture is how God could possibly use such a pagan, arrogant nation to chastise among others, his own people? We shall find that there is nothing uncommon about God’s strategy.  140 years later we shall find a similar situation. In Jeremiah’s  and in  Habakkuk’s day  (605 and 686 B.C.)  God raised up the ruthless, godless Babylonians  to  chastise  the Southern kingdom,  Judah (Hab. 1:6-11), and after which  He promptly  announced judgment on Babylon herself (Hab. 2:6-17)!

Here we deal with the mystery of God’s ways in the temporary judgements of the peoples of the world, and especially in the judgement of His backslidden people.  Here we deal with the fact that the LORD can use a wicked nation like the Assyrians to punish His own people’s wickedness. He could use godless nations as the rod of His anger, whilst at the same time   judging theses godless nations, saying to them, "woe  upon you Assyria!"  (10:5). It is true that the backslidden church  has suffered much  at the hand of an ungodly world over these last 2000 years. All this is seen and ordained by God  who  uses  this wicked world to chastise His own.

Scripture teaches us that God can use wicked people  to further His will, without ever approving of their  wickedness, and in the end judging their wickedness. This  is repeatedly seen in the Scriptures. Joseph's brothers sinned against Joseph, but God used it for His purpose, and He disciplined Joseph's brothers. Saul sinned against David, but God used it for His purpose, and God judged Saul. Judas sinned against Jesus, but God used it for His purpose, and He judged Judas. The wicked assault the  people of God, and God uses that for their sanctification, but in the end, the wicked will be judged for their  wickedness.

God is absolutely able to bring  good out of  evil- even the evil  done to  his beloved children. See what good God has brought out of the cross!  But those who  designed and desired the evil cross  will  need to meet  their Maker in the day of  judgement. We cannot  know  exactly how God will bring about  the good, but we can trust  Him for the outcome. God does care about all the evil done in this world, and He will bring about His judgment according to His perfect will and timing. Again, we cannot know when that will be, but it will happen!

4.      What about Israel? In the midst of it  all  God will preserve a remnant (10:20-34)

God  must judge all sin, including that sin  that  is found among His people. “He is  of purer eyes that to see evil and cannot look at wrong” (Habakkuk 1:13). How then shall  anyone escape?  In the midst of all this, God has a word for the worried – for the righteous, who feel themselves to be pawns in the game.  What about  the  true, faithful people of God that are found in  every generation? What about them?  Are they  just  a lost cause,  are they  just incidental to this story, or  are they, as the militarists say,  ‘collateral damage’ in this  eternal wrangle between God and  evil?
Not at all!

The story of the Bible now takes on another profound turn as we are introduced to the doctrine of the remnant ...the survivors of the house of Jacob (10:20) … the remnant of Jacob (10:21).

Chapter 10 closes with real hope and gives us ultimate perspective and application:

(i)   (10:22) “Destruction is decreed, overflowing with righteousness”. When God allows  the destruction  of his own   cause -  Israel or the church,  we must know that it is always righteous, and never unfair. God’s  judgment overflows with righteousness and the outcome will always  be good! The church of our own day, so beset  with compromise and worldly ways  desperately needs  to be cleaned out by God.  Will not God not use our enemies to do that?

(ii)  (10:23) “For the Lord GOD of hosts will make a full end”.  An end of what? An end of Judah's trust in nations like Assyria. They will never again depend on him who defeated him. In the same way, God must cleanse the church  to  stop her  dependence  on worldly solutions  in terms  of her work in this world.

(iii) (10:24) “Therefore … be not afraid of the Assyrians…”. God is telling His people, "I will chastise you, and it will hurt. But I have a plan, so don't be afraid." This may not be nice to hear, but it is oh so necessary.   It hurts to be disciplined and corrected. Yet we must tell ourselves  to  continue  to  trust God, even when it hurts. Weeping will last for a night. Joy comes in the morning.  

(iv) (10:26) God can- just as he did before! Two examples are used: 

a.     Gideon’s victory over the Midianites, and  the Red sea crossing.  “And the LORD of hosts will wield against them  a whip, as when  he  struck Midian at the rock of Oreb.” This is a reference to Judges 7:25 which  describes Gideon's  miraculous victory over the Midianites at the rock of Oreb. Now  God's judgment on Assyria would be as miraculous and complete as Gideon's victory was. We have already seen how the LORD killed  185,000 Assyrians in one night. 

b.     “And his staff will be over  the sea, and he will lift it as he did in Egypt,”  is a reference  to Exodus 14:16  in which we find a description  of  how  God used  Moses staff  to divide the Red Sea. In the same way, He would do something totally miraculous against Assyria.

(v)  (10:27 -34) “In that day that his burden will depart from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck…”.   In  10:28-32  follows  a  prophetic description of the arrival of the army of the Assyrians. The listing of cities from the north to the south, describes  the route of the Assyrian invasion. Nob is found  on the outskirts of Jerusalem. This is as far as the army of the Assyrians came against Judah. There  they were stopped. Here the LORD killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night (10:33,34).

The buck stops with the Lord God of hosts. Everything rises and falls before the  Sovereign God. 
Do you know of any   human dynasty or world power that has endured for any  significant time? 
No! They all come and go.  

Our text is indeed a grand celebration of the sovereignty of God. So then, do not fear  what man can do. Of what account is he? Fear God.  We need to  be reminded again of what  Isaiah had previously said in 8:11-13,

11For the LORD spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: 12“Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. 13But the LORD of hosts, him you shall honour as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.

Now that is biblical perspective. 
Let God’s Word be true and every man a liar!

[i] Assyria corresponds to most parts of modern-day Iraq as well as parts of Iran, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey.

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