Sunday, October 9, 2022

Ephesians 5:22-33 CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE #1 - A Word to Husbands


Last time  we had looked at 5:21  “submit (Gr. hupotasso)  to one another out of reverence for Christ…”.  The essential reference point in this verse is Christ. Christ-centred submission arises from obedience to the authority to the Word of God (because God says so). The God who made the universe and the world, and everything in it, created us also in His image as men and women. According to creation design He has ordered us to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

The question therefore arises: How shall we submit to one another out of reverence for Christ, particularly now in the matter of the various relationships before us in 6:22 -6:4?   In particular, how does this work out   in terms of that primary of all relationships –  a husband and a wife?

We begin with a fundamental observation  

Our relationships flourish when we submit to God’s order and design for living! We flourish when we recognise (intellectually and  actually)  that God has designed particular roles for men and for women, for husbands and wives, for parents and children and for societal relationships.

We are clearly facing a great challenge in this regard in our modern society. A prevailing modern world view   says that there are no specific roles / functional differences between men and women. The buzz word is “gender equality”.  If you ask an average modern man, “What is distinct about your masculinity?”,   or “what is your role as a husband?“ ,  or if you ask  an average woman, “What is unique about your femininity? ,   or  “what is distinct about your role as a wife?”,  many  are simply at a loss to give an answer. Many  people (incl. many professing Christians) are confused about the proper roles of husband and wife. Understand then, that God has written a law concerning marriage. It is embedded in Genesis Chapter 2: 18-25. Ignoring this law is like ignoring the law of gravity. You cannot jump from a high building and defy the odds.  Many experience unhealthy struggles and breakdown in their marriage relationships, primarily because they are ignorant  or even defiant  of God’s design.

I trust that you now see what follows in 5:21.  After declaring that there is to be mutual submission out of reverence of Christ, Paul devotes 12 verses to show us the difference in the way a husband and wife submit to each other out of reverence to Christ.

In the first place we see the wife’s distinctive role in submitting to the headship of her husband. (5:22-24)

In the second place we see the husband‘s distinctive role in the exercise of the loving headship of a Christ-like husband. (5:25-33)

To put that into practical language:  I am submissive to my wife in that I exercise that role for which God has called me as her God appointed head and in  in loving her in a Christ-like fashion.  She is submissive to me in the Lord who has appointed me as her head.   Christ is revered when we live like that!  He gets glory from our marriage  when we live like that, and instinctively we know “ this is right”  when we live like that- because it is beautiful  to see  a husband and wife living well together.

We live well together when we observe creation design. According to that  creation design  there is a distinction in which we serve each other as men and women and that distinction is  explained in terms of Christ (the husband- the head) and the church (the wife- the body). There are clear identities and clear roles.  And they are not designed for competition but for completion. The two personalities are one flesh. They are not two individuals always battling to subdue each other. They are two people subdued by Christ!  [Incidentally this is also the theme of  Eph. 2:11-22; 3:6 in which Christ, through the gospel  makes two divided people (Jews and gentiles)  into one household (the church)].  

Two identities. One purpose under God! Our society has a hard time to think about such expressions of unity, because sin has made us intensely selfish and self- absorbed. And yet God’s design is that two distinct people should exhibit one purpose: marriage! And marriage is a picture  of  Christ  and his church.

Think about our text again: Christ is Christ.  The church is not Christ.  The church is the church, and to obscure/ deny the distinctions/roles between Christ (who is uniquely the head), and the church (uniquely the body) would be confusing.   This is precisely so also  in   a husband/ wife  relationship:  the husband is the husband, and the wife is the wife.  The wife is not the husband and the husband is not the wife! And to ignore these vital distinctions and roles is to sow confusion into this relationship. This is what is happening in our modern society. Since we are now doing away with creation design  (through embracing gender fluidity) confusion  reigns. Increasingly biological men do not know whether they are men. Biological women do not know whether they are women. Dismantle God’s order and you will eventually dismantle society.

It is important to maintain a biblical worldview to preserve  not only society, but to preserve the biblical view of marriage.  I want to focus now on  the husband’s distinctive role. 

Next week we want to think about the wife’s distinctive role.


He is the head[1].   Headship   means  “leadership“. Eph. 1:21-23  makes this very clear.  In Creation design, the husband takes his cue from Christ, who  is said to be  “far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above  every  name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as  head over all things  to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills  all in all.”  It is clear that Christ’s headship implies his leadership over the church.  So too, by divine design God has made men to lead their wives and families!  There is nothing sinister or threatening about that. It is God’s idea, not ours.  

How do husbands exercise their headship  in leading  their wives / families? 

1.      By diligently pursuing his own personal relationship with God.  A husband in God’s hands in a safe leader.  No man will be a healthy leader in his home, if he does not spend time with Christ and His Word, learning to be submissive to Christ. Without getting to know Christ, he will be tempted to follow his own imagination and even false and even  abusive  leadership patterns.  Learning from Christ makes a husband kind and considerate. 

2.      By loving their wives. By giving themselves up for their wives.  (5:25,28,33). This means that he puts her  first in terms of  all other earthly human relationships. Love her more than you own mother and father (5:31). The love for her is all embracing: physical, emotional, spiritual. Love her as you love your own body. The quality of that love is expressed in terms  of 1 Cor. 13:4-7.

3.      Sanctify her… by the washing  of water  with the word. Sanctification is the process of unlearning sin  and  growing in the image and likeness of Jesus. Husbands, help your wives to flourish spiritually. Encourage your wife to pursue her own close relationship with Christ. Your spiritual life can never substitute for hers.  The holy women of 1 Peter 3:5 who were submissive to their husbands are described by Peter as women who "put their hope in God". A husband who encourages his wife to pursue a relationship with Jesus will be safe with her.  Husbands and fathers – it is our  responsibility to lead in  worship at home. Sadly many men hand over the spiritual leadership of the home to their wives, because they are lazy or because she may in fact be spiritually stronger. Men! Grow up! Humble yourself before God. Train yourself  for spiritual growth. Become a godly man. Lead! In so doing  you will create an atmosphere for spiritual prosperity in the home.

4.      Leave your wife in a better shape than you have found her : …”so that he might present  the church to himself in splendour, without  spot or wrinkle or  any such thing that she  might be holy and without blemish.”(5:27)  At the end of your lives you should have  a more beautiful woman than the one you have first found.  This is because you have created an enabling environment through your submissive obedience to Christ – an environment  where your wife can flourish  like a fruitful  vine and your children like olive shoots around you table (Psalm 128:3-4).

When a husband shows this sort of Christ-like  leadership, and when he has the  courage to do these things,  then God is glorified, and Christ is exalted   and  his wife  will rejoice and his children will rise up and call him blessed. Indeed, it is easy to submit to and work with such a man  for the glory of God.

[1] Gr. kephale

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